Page 90 of Rock Bottom
“I am listening,” he said, halfheartedly at best, but he hoped the conversation would lead to some clarity.
“The reason you were directed away from the plant is because it is about to be seized by the government.”
“That is ridiculous!” Segundo was losing his patience. “I barely know you and I am supposed to believe you?”
“Mr. Segundo, I was sent there to check on certain things, which I am not at liberty to discuss. All I am asking is that you do not go to the plant but go straight home.”
“And then what am I supposed to do?” Segundo’s temper was starting to rise.
“There will be a letter waiting for you. It will have arrived by special messenger. Please follow the instructions.”
“And if I don’t?” Segundo was getting weary of this perplexing conversation.
“Please, Mr. Segundo. Just follow these instructions and you will be okay.”
“What do you mean I will be okay? Are you threatening me?” His voice was at a much higher pitch at that point.
“No. I am trying to protect you.”
“From whom?” By now his voice was at maximum volume.
“People at your company were involved in illegal transactions.”
“Illegal? I have never done anything illegal in my life!” He was roaring at this point.
“Yes, we know, which is why I am trying to protect you. Please, Mr. Segundo, just go home.” Alexis ended the call, hoping he would listen to what she said. There was no point in arguing any further, as she couldn’t divulge any additional information.
Alexis looked at Maggie and Eileen. “I’m not sure he was buying it.”
“You did your best,” Maggie said sympathetically. “If he doesn’t follow your instructions, it’s on him now.”
“You’re right.” Alexis sighed. “Let’s hope for the best.”
Alberto Segundo stared blankly at his phone. He felt as if he’d inadvertently stepped into an undercover spy novel. Little did he know he wasn’t far from the truth. He decided to drive to the plant to see if there was any unusual activity, per the phone conversation he’d just had. As he made the turn on to Calle Nicolás de Ovando he spotted several police vehicles in the front parking lot along with several employees. He shuddered. Maybe that woman was telling him the truth. His phone rang again and he jumped. It was one of the secretaries, crying hysterically. He could barely understand what she was saying. What he was able to piece together was that the authorities had entered the building with search warrants and made everyone go outside. He told her to go home and be with her family, which was exactly what he planned to do.
When he pulled into his driveway, his wife was getting ready to leave for her job. She asked him why he’d come home so early and he told her he had a terrible headache, which also wasn’t far from the truth. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and told him a package had arrived. She pointed to an envelope on the kitchen table. He waited until she had left the house before he sat down and opened the mysterious envelope. The letterhead was from Cayman National Bank, Office of the Manager. Alberto read on:
Dear Mr. Segundo,
By now you are aware of the circumstances surrounding your previous employer. I say previous because the plant is in the process of being shut down. Your name was given to me by a close friend and associate who asked that I help you secure another position.
Please report to Dominican Banco Nacional on Monday at eight thirty A.M., where you will begin your training as Office Manager. When you arrive please ask to speak to Louis Ottero, who will explain your duties. Your starting annual salary will be fifty-five thousand plus benefits. I trust you will find that amenable to your needs.
Yours truly,
Mackenzie Stoddard
Alberto read and reread the letter. There was only one way to find out if it was legitimate. He phoned the bank and asked to speak with Mr. Ottero. When Ottero got on the phone his first words were, “Good morning, Mr. Segundo. I am delighted you will be joining our company. You have come highly recommended.”
Alberto stared at his phone. Was he dreaming or was this someone’s work of fiction? Alberto snapped out of his daze and managed to say, “I . . . I am looking forward to working with you.”
“I understand you have a lot of management experience. I believe you will be able to transfer your talents easily to a . . . quieter environment.”
Segundo almost laughed. “Yes, my background is office management and it will be a good change of pace for me.”
“Wonderful. I look forward to meeting you on Monday. Enjoy the rest of your week and weekend.”
Segundo pinched himself. Fifty-five thousand dollars was fifteen thousand more than he was making at REBAR. Could this really be happening? He poured what was left of the lukewarm coffee sitting on the counter and switched on the television. And there it was: the raid on REBAR. He watched men in uniforms carry out boxes and boxes of documents, while others wheeled computers out on dollies. He wondered if they would come looking for him. But even if they did, he had no idea why the company had been raided or who might be involved. He clicked off the TV and walked out to the patio. He sat down in a chair, smiled, and thanked God for his good fortune as the sun warmed his face.