Page 93 of Rock Bottom
Walsh thought about it. If she was offering, why not? He knew he wasn’t going to find anyplace open at that hour. “Sure. Let me put my things inside.” He fumbled for his room key and opened the door. Kathryn quickly moved to get a cold beer for Walsh. She popped the top and poured in the ground-up sleeping pill.
After accepting the beer from Kathryn, Walsh took a swig and gave the bottle an odd look. Kathryn spoke up immediately. “Yeah, I always react that way on the first sip. After one or two, it’s good going down.”
“If you say so. I’m more of a Budweiser man.”
“Well, sorry to say it’s all that’s available. So cheers!” She clinked her bottle against his. He took another swig and cringed. She thought he might decide not to finish it. “Have you eaten anything?”
He gave her an odd look.
“I’ve got some chicken nuggets left over if you’re hungry. Got some mac and cheese, too, but it’s kinda room temperature.”
Walsh pursed his lips. “I think I’ll take you up on that offer. A couple of nuggets and room-temp mac and cheese sounds good right about now.”
“Y’all sit right there.” Kathryn got up and sauntered into her room. Annie was already grinding up another pill. She smashed it with great vigor and then mixed it into the mac and cheese. “Maggie would cry if she saw that mac and cheese being used like this,” Kathryn whispered.
“It’s for a good cause,” Annie whispered back and handed Kathryn the bowl.
When Kathryn returned to Walsh, she was surprised to see he was already halfway through the beer. “You’re right. After a few sips, it’s okay. Maybe it kills your tastebuds.” He smirked.
Kathryn didn’t know if she should bother giving him the mac and cheese. She didn’t want him to overdose, but then he set the beer down and held out his hand for the food. She eyed him up and down. He could handle it. About halfway through the lukewarm, ooey-gooey stuff his eyes went around in a circle. “Must be too much driving in one day. Almost fifteen hours. I’m not used to it,” he slurred.
“Yeah, if you don’t do long hauls, it can wear you out. ‘Road weary’ is what I call it.”
“That must be it.” Then he collapsed. Kathryn checked his pulse. He was still breathing. She quickly dragged him into her room, where she zip-tied his hands and feet and taped his mouth just like Fielder. Kathryn ran out and pulled the van close to the motel room door. No one was in sight. The women dragged Walsh out and shoved him next to Fielder, who was still in la-la land. They rifled through Walsh’s things and found the fifty thousand he’d stashed in the duffel bag. They took all of his belongings and removed all signs of him except for his rented car. One of the Men of the Sisterhood was on his way to drive the car to Mexico so it would look like Walsh went south of the border. They gathered all of their own personal items and got into the vehicle and were off to meet up with Pearl. Kathryn had also shoved the flatscreen TV Walsh had brought with him into the van. Along the way they dropped it off in front of a local senior community center.
* * *
Once the Sisters arrived at the junkyard, they found that the place was deserted, just as Pearl had promised. Annie jumped out and gave Pearl a big hug. “Got my stuff?”
“Here you go.” Pearl handed Annie Viagra and Dulcolax. She pointed to the cement mix next to the oil barrels.
Kathryn could not contain herself. “I don’t know what you’re planning, but I can imagine something painful.”
“You got that right.” Annie mixed the Viagra and Dulcolax in a plastic cup. “Go force this down Fielder’s throat.” She handed the cup to Kathryn. Then she mixed another potion, but this time without the Viagra.
“How come you’re not giving Walsh Viagra?” Kathryn asked.
“Because he isn’t as big of a prick.”
The four women laughed out loud. “Shall I begin to mix the cement?” Pearl asked Annie.
“Yes. Kathryn, make sure those guys finish their beverages.”
“On it.” Kathryn hopped back into the van and stirred the two men awake enough so that they could suck on the straws. It didn’t take much convincing. Both men were bleary and terrified. Kathryn lifted Fielder and carried him over her shoulder like a firefighter would. She placed him in one of the oil barrels that came just above his waist. Then she handled Walsh the same way, placing him in the second barrel.
The cement mixture was reaching the right consistency and the women began shoveling it into the oil barrels. The cold cement brought both men to full consciousness. With their wrists and ankles tied, they could barely move. Their mouths were still taped so they couldn’t scream. Only the whites of their eyes expressed the horror they were suffering. The women pulled an old sawhorse out from the nearby junk and placed it in front of the two men. Annie took out her tablet and dialed in the rest of the Sisters. They had front row seats to watch the cement hardening around the men while Fielder’s erection was beginning to salute. As the cement hardened around his man-thing the laxative took hold. Unfortunately, there was nowhere for the excrement to go except backwards. Soon they would be choking on their own manure. It wouldn’t kill them, but they might pray it would. Once the cement was completely stabilized they were in excruciating pain. There were no words to describe it and soon both men passed out from the misery.
Hoots, whistles, applause, and high fives were shared among the jubilant group. “We may not have rid the world of evil, but we just got rid of two bad actors who will never be able to harm anyone again,” Myra said proudly.
Pearl pulled out the hand truck and loaded the man-barrels into her van. She would deposit them in parts unknown, never to be seen or heard from again. They wouldn’t be dead—but might wish they were.
Kyle took Zoe’s advice and phoned Jack. Jack then phoned several of his contacts in New York. One of their previous missions involved a male strip club, and they had enlisted the services of a fashion design instructor who made the costumes. Within two weeks Kyle was working as an assistant administrator at FIT, the Fashion Institute of Technology. One of his duties was to coordinate student fashion shows. It was a dream job for Kyle.
Louise Phillips left the two-bit detective agency and started working for Avery doing background checks.
* * *