Page 40 of The Wild Side
The two women walked toward the bathroom. Melanie reminded the hall monitor, “No one in or out unless I say so.”
Hall monitors were teacher’s aides. They would rotate during the day, keeping an eye on the corridors, checking student passes.
Mrs. Walker was still cradling her son, who had stopped crying. Audrey addressed her. “Mrs. Walker, do you have someone you can stay with for a few days?”
Mrs. Walker looked puzzled. “Why?”
“Considering the circumstances and your husband’s mood, it might be wise to give him a few days to cool off,” Melanie added.
“But he will be so angry.” There was fear in her eyes. “Every night when he comes home, I think he’s going to explode. This is going to put him right over the edge.”
Melanie crouched down. “Jerome, can I tell your mom what you told me?” He nodded.
“Jerome said that your husband slapped him and shoved you.”
Mrs. Walker was shredding the tissue in her hand. “Yes, but it was only that one time.”
Melanie knew there could be a second, third, and many more times. It all started with the first one. “Mrs. Walker, I strongly suggest you give him time to cool down. We can work things out, but for now, distance, time, and considering the options would be good steps. We’ll work with you to help come to a viable resolution.”
Jerome looked up at his mother. “Can we go to see Aunt Colleen?”
“She lives over an hour away, sweetheart. You have school, and I have work.” Mrs. Walker knew it was the right thing to do, but the thought terrified her.
“We can give Jerome schoolwork.”
“But what about my job? I’m a nurse. I can’t just leave.”
“I realize it’s difficult. But I can call your supervisor and explain that Jerome had to take a leave of absence from our school, and you have to accompany him. We’ll tell her it’s an academic program thing. I’m sure you’re allowed personal time.”
“Yes, but we’re short-staffed. I wouldn’t want to burden my coworkers.”
Melanie took the reins. “Mrs. Walker. This situation is not going away. You need to take care of your son and yourself, first and foremost. Put your own oxygen mask on first.” She referred to the instructions given to passengers during a flight emergency.
By now, tears were streaming down Mrs. Walker’s face. Her hands were shaking. “What do I tell my husband?”
“Tell him you need a little break. We’ll send him a text after you leave,” Melanie said. “Do not tell him where you are going. Tell him it will be for a couple of days. You’ll be in touch.”
“I don’t think he’ll take that very well.”
Jerome looked into his mother’s eyes and pleaded, “Please.”
“Okay.” She sighed. “Tell me what I have to do.”
Melanie helped her from the floor. “You are going to get in your car, drive home, and pack a bag for yourself and Jerome. Someone will meet you there. You will swap cars with them and drive that car to your sister’s.”
“But what about my husband? He’ll follow me.”
“He is going to be detained by Mr. Lynch. He can complain and protest all he wants, but he’s not leaving the building until we get an all-clear.”
“Can you do that?” Mrs. Walker asked with surprise.
Melanie wasn’t sure what the correct answer was, but assumed it was technically no. She’d deal with that later. She didn’t answer the question. Melanie’s plan was to call one of her former colleagues to help out. If Gilmour wasn’t available, he’d find someone who was. The important thing was to keep Walker at the school until Mrs. Walker and Jerome were miles away.
“What about my purse?” Mrs. Walker asked.
“I’ll get it for you. Did you come in one or two cars?”
“Just one, but we both carry a set of keys to both. It’s easier than trying to find where the other person left them.”