Page 44 of The Wild Side
“Does that apply to everything or just gender?” Gilmour was surprised by the need for secrecy.
“For now, it’s identity. The problem stretches further, because we don’t know what the rules are yet, so everyone acts with trepidation. If you do one thing, you enrage the parents. If you do something else, you enrage someone else.”
Gilmour scratched his head. “Wow. Politics in elementary school.”
Melanie continued. “Parents have no idea what their kid is doing in school unless they break something or beat someone up. Oh, the rules are so shaded in gray.”
“That must drive you bonkers!” Gilmour grinned.
“Ha ha.”
“What do you think is going to happen?” Gregory asked.
“That kid is going to be the deciding factor,” she replied.
“Yeah. I didn’t get a warm and fuzzy, father-and-son relationship vibe from the kid. Looked like he couldn’t get out of there fast enough.”
“They left of their own accord,” she pointed out.
“How about aiding and abetting?” Gregory asked.
“Abetting what? There’s been no crime committed.” Melanie huffed.
He chuckled. “Not yet.”
“Let the judge be the judge of that. Mr. Walker would have to file a missing person’s report. He’s not going to do that. Why? Because he’s about to receive a text message right now.” Melanie reached for the phone Patricia had left behind and typed a message.
Jerome and I are taking a little break for a few days. I’ll be in touch.
“Now he can’t claim she is missing,” Melanie said proudly and proceeded to erase all other text messages except that one and delete Patricia’s contact list and call log. She wasn’t going to make it easy for Walker. The less info at his fingertips, the better. She tried to reserve judgment, but wanted to err on the side of caution.
They pulled into the visitor parking area of the school. “So do I get to meet this guy?”
“I thought you’d never ask.” She waved him toward the door.
The halls were unusually quiet. Melanie checked the big clock. The peacefulness wouldn’t last much longer. The bell would ring for lunch, and Mr. Walker was going to be given some very disturbing news.
Lynch spotted them walking down the hall. He gave them a thumbs-up, an “all good” nod and a wink, and greeted Gilmour. “Nice to see you, man.” Lynch held out his baseball-mitt-sized hand.
“Good to see you, Lynch.”
No other words were spoken. Only eye contact. Melanie got the impression Mr. Walker had cooled his heels.
Agent Gilmour and Melanie entered her office. “Mr. Walker, this is Special Agent Gilmour.”
“Special Agent? What’s this all about?” His voice sounded more concerned than angry.
“Everyone is fine. But I am here to inform you that your wife and son will be spending a few days out of town.”
He held up his cellphone. “I just got a text.” He slumped down in the chair. Now it was his turn to rock back and forth.
Melanie took the brave step of approaching Walker. “Mr. Walker, would you like to speak in private?”
He jerked his head. “With who?”
“With me. Or Agent Gilmour?” She looked pleadingly at Gregory. He gave her an I just might strangle you look.
She mouthed the word Please?