Page 25 of Rival Darling
I wasn’t just hurt by Jeremy’s actions. I was angry. And the worst part? He still had no idea I was aware of what he’d done. Was he really going to pretend he hadn’t cheated on me? And if he wasn’t planning on telling me what happened tonight, did that mean he’d done this before?
My mind was racing so fast I could barely make sense of my thoughts. How long had it taken before he’d grown bored of me? Or had he been doing this from the very start? I didn’t know, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to.
There were a few things I was certain of though. I was right; hockey players were pigs. My mom was right; jocks couldn’t be trusted. And Reed was right; I deserved better.
Jeremy gave me a ride to school on Monday morning, and I sat in nervous silence the whole way. He still had no idea I’d seen him with Heather on Saturday night, and I was seriously regretting not dumping him via text. I’d decided to do it in person, but since I’d worked at the coffee shop all day Sunday, this was the first chance I’d had to speak with him.
I knew it was naive, but a small part of me still hoped he might be honest and come clean about what he’d done. That maybe he’d profusely apologize, insist this had all been some terrible mistake, and tell me he still wanted to be together. But no, instead, he was happily chatting about the goal he’d scored on Saturday and acting as though everything was normal. He didn’t even seem to notice I hadn’t been at the game.
He also didn’t notice my odd silence, and not once did he ask why I hadn’t called or texted him since Saturday night. Did he seriously not care?
I glanced down at my phone, which was constantly vibrating with messages from Mia and Nicole.
Mia: Have you done it yet?
Nicole: Please tell me you have.
Nicole: I hope he cried…
Both girls knew exactly what had happened between Jeremy and me. Mia had barged into my room the moment she got home on Saturday night and spent most of the night either freaking out about the fact I’d caught a ride home with the Darling Devils or planning an epic takedown of my soon-to-be ex-boyfriend. I’d told Nicole the whole story during our shift at the coffee shop yesterday. They were both pissed at Jeremy, but neither of them seemed particularly surprised. I imagined it was killing Mia not to drop an “I told you so” on me. Thankfully, she managed to hold it in. I was already well aware what an idiot I had been.
Mia: I hope he didn’t cry. Like that jerk needs an ounce of sympathy!!!
I buried my phone deep in my backpack so it couldn’t distract me anymore. Seeing the texts from the girls wasn’t making this any easier, and I was running out of time. It needed to happen before we reached school because there was no way I was having this conversation with Jeremy once we left the car and there was potential for an audience.
As I looked up from my bag, the large open gates to Sunshine Prep appeared ahead. We were already at school. I had less time than I thought.
“Jeremy?” I said, interrupting him mid-sentence.
I was a little surprised by how annoyed he looked, but then I remembered I’d just disturbed him while he was talking about hockey. Over the summer, it felt like we talked about everything but my least favorite sport, but once school started, it didn’t take me long to realize you couldn’t stop Jeremy once he was telling a story about one of his games. Right now, I didn’t care, and I forged on.
“We need to talk.”
He laughed and released a loud breath. “We are talking.” We were in the parking lot now, and he’d just pulled into a free space. “You know you should never tell a guy you want to talk. It makes them think you’re about to break up with them.”
“I am breaking up with you.”
It was lucky he’d stopped the car because his head whipped toward me so fast we probably would have crashed if he’d still been driving.
“You what?”
“I don’t think we should be in a relationship anymore.”
He grunted and let out an irritated sigh. “Is this because I didn’t answer your calls on Saturday after the game? I already told you I left my phone at home.”
“It’s not about the phone.”
“You sure?”
“You think I’d break up with you because you didn’t answer your phone a few times?”
“I don’t know. You girls can get a bit irrational sometimes. Is it that time of the month?”
“Oh my god.” I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples. We were breaking up because of him cheating. Not because of a few missed phone calls and certainly not because of my period.