Page 53 of Rival Darling
I gave Violet a warm smile and was pleased when she returned it. She might have been tense when I first came up to her, but she’d certainly relaxed since I’d shown up. It felt good to know she trusted me.
“Speaking of dinner, we better head off so we don’t miss our reservation,” I added.
“Yeah, of course,” Violet replied.
“Catch you around, Hoffman.” I didn’t bother looking his way again as I steered Violet in the opposite direction. I needed to go to the locker room and change, but I didn’t want to leave Violet anywhere near that guy. She was glancing over her shoulder and still seemed uncomfortable despite the fact he was walking away.
“What was Hoffman saying to you back there?” I asked.
“Nothing I haven’t already heard,” she muttered. “He still seems to think I’m eventually going to forgive him and take him back.” She paused, and the frown she’d been flashing ever since I’d first seen her talking to Jeremy deepened. “Maybe this isn’t working.”
I struggled not to panic. It was way too soon for Violet to be giving up on our fake relationship. I needed more time with her. To show I was more than the hockey-playing meathead she thought I was.
“This is only our first date,” I quickly replied. “Right now, he probably still thinks you’re just trying to make him jealous. We just need to show him we’re serious. Once he realizes that, he’ll leave you alone.”
“You think?”
“For sure. If we suddenly stop dating now, he’d probably think we broke up because you still want him.”
Violet was quiet as she considered what I’d said, and I did my best not to blurt out something else to try to convince her. The last thing I needed was to sound desperate.
Finally, she responded, “Maybe you’re right.”
I felt like I could breathe again.
When we arrived at the locker room, I paused by the door. My muscles ached with exhaustion, and I needed a long hot shower before we went to dinner, but I was reluctant to leave Violet alone for any longer than necessary with Hoffman lurking about.
She glanced up at me and a raised an eyebrow as though she could see exactly what I’d been thinking. “I don’t need a babysitter, Reed. I’ll be fine out here on my own. You go and get changed.”
Despite what she said, she still seemed shaken from our confrontation with Jeremy.
“Unless, of course, you want to take me in there with you,” she continued. “And introduce me to your half-naked teammates.”
My hands clenched tightly around the handle of my hockey stick. Violet must have noticed my reaction because she laughed. “Just go get changed, Reed. I’ll be waiting out here when you’re done.”
I grunted before turning toward the locker room, but Violet stopped me.
“Reed, wait,” she said, reaching out to touch my arm. “Thanks for backing me up with Jeremy. You’re a good fake boyfriend.” I smiled down at her, trying my best not to flinch at the sound of the word fake.
I had the world’s quickest shower and changed in record time. Once again, I was far from subtle, and all the guys noticed.
“What’s the rush, Reed?” Matt asked, not even attempting to cover his smirk. He’d always been the nice guy on the team unless, of course, the opportunity arose to taunt me. I guessed that was the price of being his best friend. My other teammates were enjoying it just as much.
“Never seen Reed move so fast.”
“Nothing stops a Darling when he wants to score.”
“This wouldn’t have anything to do with the hot redhead waiting outside, would it, Cap?”
“Hey, hot redhead has a name.” Parker countered. “It’s Violet.” I was somewhat surprised he’d come to my defense, but then he continued. “And it has everything to do with her…”
A few of the guys laughed, but thankfully I was done getting changed. I pointed a finger at all of them as I went to leave the room. “Keep this up, and I’ll make Coach give us extra sprints next practice.”
That only made them laugh more, and I pushed through the door and escaped into the corridor. As captain, it was very rare that I became the butt of the team’s locker-room jokes. Usually, it was only Parker, Grayson, and Matt who had the balls to give me shit that way. I didn’t mind so much today. Not when I couldn’t deny they were right; I was rushing because I couldn’t wait to see Violet again.
She was staring off into the distance when I emerged from the locker room but perked up when she saw me. “That was quick.”
“Well, I wouldn’t want to keep my girlfriend waiting.” I took her hand in mine, just in case Hoffman was still around. At least, that’s what I told myself. It had nothing to do with how much I liked the way her slender fingers fit between mine. Absolutely nothing.