Page 60 of Rival Darling
I nodded, but I was struggling to meet his eyes because I hated lying to Gray. Parker might be a loudmouth, but I knew Gray would keep it to himself if I told him the truth. I wasn’t really sure why I hadn’t just been straight with him from the beginning. Probably because I didn’t want to admit I was living a lie.
I knew I wouldn’t be able to hide it from him for long, so I drew in a breath and finally came out with the truth. “We’re not really dating.”
I slowly sat up straight on my bed. “Violet and me. We’re not really dating. Our relationship isn’t real.”
Grayson’s eyebrows pulled together. “What are you talking about?”
I took my time as I tried my best to explain how Violet and I had come to our arrangement. I told him what really happened at the bonfire. How Violet wanted to get Hoffman off her back and how I’d pretended I wanted to stop girls from throwing themselves at me when in reality I just wanted to spend more time with her. However, I almost immediately regretted opening up to Grayson because the judgment in his eyes was clear.
“This can only end badly. You know that, right?” My brother had never been one to sugarcoat things.
“Probably not my best idea,” I agreed. “But I really like her. And with her refusing to date hockey players and all the crap people say about me, this is the only way I’d ever have a chance with her.”
Grayson rubbed his fingers along the ridge of his nose as though he was regretting his decision to follow me in here. “I thought Parker was the only brother I had to worry about,” he finally said.
“You don’t have to worry about me. I’ve got a handle on the situation.”
“A handle on the situation? It sounds like you’re already half in love with the girl.”
His words struck me silent because I wasn’t sure I could deny them.
Grayson must have realized that because he let out a weary sigh. “Just don’t get your heart broken. You didn’t do too well the last time…”
I narrowed my eyes on him, and Grayson lifted his hands to signal he wouldn’t go any further down that road.
“All I’m saying is be careful” he added before he stood and started from the room.
He paused by the door.
“Please don’t mention this to anyone. I feel stupid enough as it is chasing a girl like this.”
He gave me a brief nod, turned, and left. Once he was gone, I collapsed back down onto the bed. I hated that Grayson had brought up Natalie, but he was right about me needing to be careful. I hadn’t let myself feel this way about a girl in a long time, and now I finally had, I’d unfortunately fallen for a girl who was adamant I was the wrong guy for her. I could only hope things ended differently this time than they did in freshman year.
* * *
At school the next day, I noticed a lot of people giving me curious looks. The attention wasn’t entirely unusual, but I had a feeling the hushed whispers that followed me today had little to do with a ridiculous new rumor or my latest performance on the ice. I suspected it was because I’d been seen out on a date with Violet last night.
“I don’t know why you’re surprised.” Matt said when I brought it up with him. “Of course, people are going to talk.” We were slowly making our way to our lockers after lunch, where it had felt like the entire cafeteria was focused on me. “Showing up at Nino’s with Violet last night was about as official as you can get. You might as well have thrown your jersey on her.”
“Yeah, Violet isn’t really into hockey, so I can’t imagine she’d be too keen on that.”
Matt laughed. “Well, hockey aversion aside, she seems cool. And by the way she was looking at you last night, I’d say she’s really into you.”
I tried my best to ignore his comment. Matt didn’t know my relationship with Violet wasn’t real. Whatever he thought he saw in her eyes when she looked at me couldn’t be real either.
“Did she really call you a pig the first time you met?” I wished I hadn’t told him that, but it had accidentally come out when I’d been trying to explain how I’d ended up dating Hoffman’s ex-girlfriend. I needed to watch what I said if I didn’t want Matt to get suspicious.
“Yeah, we got off to a slightly rocky start.”
Matt grinned. “Sounds like she had you all figured out from day one.”
“Why am I friends with you again?”
He laughed, but chose to ignore my question “Anyway, I think you’re good together. Even if she is from Sunshine Prep and hates hockey.”