Page 82 of Rival Darling
“Well, I happen to know someone who’s great at moving furniture…” The opportunity was almost too perfect, and my stupid little heart started dancing.
“Thanks, Reed. But I wouldn’t ask you to do that, and we’re pretty much done now anyway.”
“Oh.” So much for my dancing heart. It practically tripped and fell over its two left feet.
“Was there a reason you called?”
I was derailed. This wasn’t a situation I was used to. Probably because I didn’t talk to girls that often, and when I did, I wasn’t nervous because I didn’t care. It was different with Violet.
Grayson waved his hands at me, encouraging me to continue.
“Uh, yeah,” I finally and oh so eloquently responded. “I wanted to see if you’re free.”
“Really? Why?”
“Yeah, uh, I have a fake dating emergency.” It felt so stupid as I said it out loud. How come it hadn’t sounded that dumb coming from Grayson? Probably because he hadn’t been serious. He slammed a hand against his forehead, making me grimace. Even he thought I was an idiot.
“A fake dating emergency?” Violet’s soft voice sounded puzzled, and I didn’t blame her.
“Yep, that’s right.” I was going to have to run with it. “I’m going bowling with Grayson, Paige, and a bunch of friends tonight. I just realized they’re all going to think something’s up if I’m not out with my girlfriend on a Friday night.”
“Bowling?” Grayson hissed, obviously unimpressed he was being dragged into this.
I waved him off before turning away so I couldn’t see the annoyed look in his eyes. He’d gotten me into this mess, so he was going to have to live with the consequences.
“You’re asking me to go bowling with you?” Violet said, her tone still far more uncertain than I would have liked.
“Yes.” I was committed to the bowling excuse now. There was no backing out. “Are you free?”
There were scraping and rustling sounds on the other end of the line, and I thought she might have dropped the phone. But then Mia’s voice came through the speaker. “She is free, and she’d be happy to come.”
I laughed. “Okay, thanks, Mia.” We barely knew each other, but she was being the best wingwoman ever.
“No problem,” Mia replied. “Just give her twenty minutes to get ready and then feel free to swing by and pick her up.”
“I can speak for myself,” Violet complained in the background.
There were more rustling sounds, and I guessed the girls were fighting over the phone. “You there, Reed?” Finally, I heard Violet’s voice clearly once more.
“Yeah, I’m here.” I smiled. “So…”
“So, I guess I’ll see you in twenty minutes.”
“Great, I’ll see you then.”
I hung up the phone, a wide smile on my face as I turned to Grayson who was still scowling at me. “Better go tell Paige the exciting news. We’re going bowling.”
“I heard,” Grayson replied, but he didn’t complain as he skulked off to find Paige. Now I had to round up a crowd, or Violet would know something was up.
* * *
“Does bowling really constitute a fake dating emergency?” Violet asked as we walked through the parking lot to the bowling alley. She’d been poking holes in the excuse I’d used to get her here ever since I’d picked her up. It was like she could smell the stench of my desperation to see her radiating from me.
“Afraid so,” I said.
“But does it really matter if your friends aren’t fully convinced?”
“Not especially,” I said. “I’m more concerned about everyone else. The bowling alley is usually packed with kids from Ransom this time of year, and they’ll notice if I turn up without you.”