Page 92 of Rival Darling
“Right, well, I think that’s enough threats for one night. We’ll see you later, Luke.” I practically dragged Reed away before my uncle could get in another word.
Mia was waiting at the bottom of the stairs, grinning wickedly as she watched us. “Have fun tonight, kids,” she said.
“Bye, Mia,” I replied without stopping. After Luke’s performance, I didn’t want to stick around to see what else my cousin had to say. It would probably have been something about my first-base outfit.
As soon as we got to Reed’s truck, I grabbed his arm to stop him. “Okay, what was that between you and Luke?” I glanced over my shoulder as I spoke to make sure Mia and my uncle weren’t watching us leave through the windows. The blinds in the living room quickly jerked shut, and I shot a glare in that direction. It had to be Mia, and I really hoped it wasn’t Luke too.
“What do you mean?” Reed asked, a look of deliberate thoughtfulness on his face.
“You know what I mean. Last time you came over and Luke was here he almost kicked you out before you walked through the door. Tonight, you’re in there laughing together.”
“It was nothing,” he said. “We were just bonding.”
“Bonding? Over what?”
“Well, it seems Luke used to play a bit of hockey when he was in school around here. He heard we destroyed the Summit High Vikings in our game today and was very happy about it. I guess they were his rival team back in the day.”
I shook my head in disbelief. What was it about hockey in this place?
“So, you’re saying one quick conversation about hockey and you’re suddenly the apple of my uncle’s eye.
“I wouldn’t say that,” Reed continued. “The first time I met Luke, he clearly didn’t like me, but you whisked me away before I got a chance to change his mind. I decided to arrive a little early tonight so I could talk to Luke one on one.”
“And say what?”
“And say that there’s nothing for him to worry about. Because I really care about you and I’d never do anything to hurt you.”
Reed said it casually, like it was the most normal thing in the world. He reached out and opened the door of his truck, gesturing for me to get in, but I was frozen in place. Had he really meant the things he’d told Luke, or was he just saying them to avoid hassle from my uncle. I wasn’t sure I could handle the answer. Either way, it was one of the sweetest things a boyfriend, fake or real, had ever said to me.
I simply smiled at him and nodded before I climbed into the truck and let him close the door. I was still a little unsure about what had just happened, but what I did know was I was more nervous about this party than ever before because maybe Mia was right. Maybe it was time to take a risk on Reed.
Reed and I were both quiet as we drove to the other side of the river for the party. We usually talked with such ease, but my thoughts felt tangled, and I was at a loss for what to say. Everything had been so much simpler when all I’d seen him as was my fake boyfriend. It was so much more complicated now, and I’d almost forgotten how to act around him.
“So, the party tonight’s at Matt’s?” I asked. It was the only thing I could think to say.
“It is.”
“You seemed awfully confident you were going to win today.”
“Because we always win,” Reed replied. “As captain, I do whatever it takes to make sure of that.”
I shook my head. “So cocky.”
“Just a little.” A grin spread across his face, and his eyes shone with mischief as he glanced at me. I wished my heart didn’t thump quite so hard when he looked at me that way, and I did my best to appear unaffected.
He was still smiling as he focused back on the road.
“So, what does a Ransom Devils victory party look like?” I continued. “It won’t be too crazy, will it?”
“Nah, not too crazy. Matt would kill anyone who trashed his parents’ place.”
“Okay, it’s just… I’m a little nervous.”
“You don’t need to be,” he said. “I won’t leave your side.”