Page 2 of Smitten in Santorini
“I need a favor,” Apollo said after kissing her on both cheeks.
“What’s going on?” Lena asked.
“It’s Mick—he needs our help.”
“Mick?” Lena tried to keep her voice neutral.
“There’s been a fire at the construction site and he needs someone who speaks Greek to help with translation. He doesn’t trust his foreman and after being gone for over a month, I can’t take any more time off. Can you go? I know you quit your job, so you have the time, and he’ll pay you.”
“He…what?” Lena’s heart hammered painfully in her chest.
“He needs your help. Will you go?” His eyes met hers intently. “It would mean a lot to me. I’d go myself but…”
“Don’t worry about it, of course I’ll go.” Lena sighed, accepting her fate and wondering how she’d survive being around the only man she’d ever truly loved for any extended period of time.
“Look, I’m not stupid,” he said softly. “I know you two had a thing, but no matter what happened, it couldn’t have been such a big deal that after all this time you can’t be friends again?”
Lena didn’t respond as she turned and headed towards the kitchen. “Tell him I’ll be there tomorrow. I’ll book a trip on the ferry—the airport is a hassle.”
“Thanks, Lena!”
She barely heard him as she shut her eyes and tried to breathe. Damn, her day had definitely gotten a whole lot worse. Being around Mick wasn’t going to be easy. In fact, the whole thing was going to be a nightmare. She’d barely been able to keep her distance from Mick at Apollo and Paige’s wedding last month—how could she possibly do it while working for him? There was no way to gracefully get out of this because short of telling the truth, she had no excuse. She was unemployed, vocal in her desire to have something to do other than work retail, and the money would be welcome.
Apollo had figured out there had been something between them, which surprised her. Shit. Her carefully constructed world was slowly crumbling and she had no way to keep the pieces from scattering. Things were going to go south quickly and she needed a plan; the problem was that she’d been trying to come up with a plan for almost four years and still didn’t have one that was viable. She was pretty sure she wasn’t going to come up with one overnight either.
Lena stared out at the Aegean Sea feeling about as melancholy as she’d felt in a long time. Beautiful azure waters, bright sunlight, not a cloud in the sky and all she felt was an impending doom. She usually loved being on a boat of any kind, and the ferry from Athens to Santorini was delightful. Unfortunately, this trip had so many different layers of strife, she wasn’t sure what to address first. It had been close to four years since she’d walked away from the only man she’d ever loved and now she’d agreed to work for him. Being together day in and day out would be problematic, of that she was sure. Keeping her secret would be almost impossible with them in such close proximity, but there’d been no graceful way to refuse when her brother suggested she help his closest friend.
As the ferry pulled into Athinios Port on Santorini, she spotted him instantly. Six feet five inches of blue-eyed handsomeness, she would recognize him anywhere. He’d shaved his head since college, and she wasn’t fond of the look, but because it was him, she still thought he was one of the best-looking men she’d ever known. Those eyes were hypnotizing up close and she couldn’t count how many times they’d haunted her dreams. How much she’d missed him since they’d been apart.
“Lena!” He was waving, a smile on his face, and she stiffened when she saw the woman beside him. She didn’t know Raegan Warner well, but she was Paige’s best friend from the U.S. who was also working for Mick, as his personal assistant. If they were dating, Lena didn’t know how she would handle it, but somehow, she had to pretend everything was okay, that she didn’t have a huge secret and didn’t care whom Mick got involved with.
Yeah, right, the devil on her shoulder whispered in her head.
“Hi!” Lena waved and moved her feet forward. Mick leaned over to kiss her cheek, taking her suitcase from her.
“Thank you for coming!” he said, meeting her eyes. “You have no idea how much this means to me.”
“Apollo said it was a bad situation,” she said quietly, averting her gaze so she could smile at Raegan. “Hey, Raegan.”
“Hi!” Raegan threw her arms around her and hugged her tightly, making Lena feel bad that she’d initially been unhappy to see her.
“Let’s get you settled at the villa,” Mick said, heading towards a truck. “Then we can order food and I can get you up to speed.”
“Of course.” Lena followed, slowing her steps to keep pace with Raegan, who was on crutches. She’d been in a terrible car accident eight weeks ago that had almost killed her. She’d broken two ribs that punctured and collapsed one of her lungs, her spleen had to be removed and she’d broken her right leg. The cast had come off just a week ago, after Raegan had promised the doctor that her boss would make her take it easy. They probably hadn’t anticipated a fire at the site of the resort Mick’s architecture firm was building, though. The authorities suspected arson and Mick had told Apollo he had a feeling they were jerking him around since he didn’t speak Greek and the foreman who was translating was acting a little squirrely.
If she was honest with herself, Lena hadn’t wanted to refuse. This project was extremely important to Mick’s career and the idea that someone was trying to sabotage it bothered her. Besides, he would be paying her—and all her expenses—which was nice. She had a Bachelor’s degree from Brown University but couldn’t find a job in her field. Jobs were scarce in Greece right now and though she could always draw money from her share of the family business, she hated doing that. She helped out at the shipping company as needed, but it wasn’t the same as having a career of her own. This, at least, felt like something she could put on a resume.
“Why didn’t you fly?” Raegan was asking as they got in the truck. “Doesn’t it take all day to take the ferry?”
“It can but this was the high-speed ferry, so just five hours. I love being on the water; it’s relaxing for me and I don’t get the opportunity to do it very often. It takes an hour to get to the airport and about an hour in the air, plus retrieving your luggage and all that. It winds up being almost the same amount of time and I got to enjoy the view this way.”
“Sounds about right,” Mick nodded, getting behind the wheel.
“Is this yours?” Lena asked, climbing into an old pick-up truck beside Raegan.
“No, it belongs to my foreman. He let me borrow it so we could come get you. I rented a four-wheeler to use while I’m here.”