Page 35 of This is How I Lied
“Hey,” Mr. Harper called as he stepped from his car. “Eve, is everything okay?”
“I’m fine,” Eve answered, her voice shaking. “Everything’s fine.”
“Get in the car,” Nick demanded, still holding on to her coat.
“Hey, man, let go of her,” Mr. Harper said, trotting toward them.
“Hey, man, mind your own business,” Nick mimicked.
“I know who you are,” Mr. Harper said in a low voice. “You think this is the right way to treat a girl? I know your parents and I don’t think they’d be happy to hear you’re acting like an asshole.”
The two stared at each other until Eve was sure it was going to come to blows. Nick was the one who balked first, dropping Eve’s arm and looking away.
“You okay?” Mr. Harper asked Eve and she nodded. “You want me to call your mom?”
“No, I’m okay,” Eve whispered.
“At least let me give you a ride to school,” Mr. Harper urged.
“Real original,” Nick muttered as he climbed back into his car. “Screwing the babysitter.”
“What did you say?” Mr. Harper said, striding toward Nick’s car. Nick ignored him and sped off with a squeal of the tires.
“He gets mad sometimes,” Eve said apologetically. “He doesn’t mean it.”
“Guys like that always mean it, Eve,” Mr. Harper said, gently brushing a wayward strand of hair out of Eve’s face. “You deserve better than this.”
“I better get going,” Eve said, biting back tears. “I’m sorry that happened.” She turned and moved down the street toward the school.
Eve couldn’t make sense of it. Nick said he loved her but could be so mean. Mr. Harper could make her feel so uncomfortable one minute and safe the next. She was so confused.
She felt eyes on her and looked around, fearful that Nick was following her. He wasn’t. But standing beneath the naked branches of a black maple was Nola, watching, taking in the entire scene.