Page 59 of This is How I Lied
L. Gonzalez: You mentioned during our last visit that you wanted to be a vet. It sounds like you’ve thought more about this?
N. Knox: Yeah. I’ve always wanted to be a vet. Animals are much more trusting than people; don’t you think? Easier to deal with.
L. Gonzalez: In what ways?
N. Knox: Well, they don’t talk back, that’s pretty obvious. And all you have to do is talk gently to them, maybe offer them a treat, they calm down and you can get them to do anything you want them to. People don’t work that way.
L. Gonzalez: Nola, your teachers say that your interactions with your classmates tend to be contentious...
N. Knox: I don’t care about them.
L. Gonzalez: Who do you care about?
L. Gonzalez: There must be someone you care about. A friend, your mother?
N. Knox: My mother only cares about herself and Eve. Why should I care about her?
L. Gonzalez: Your mother is grieving Eve’s death. It’s very difficult to lose a child and sometimes people are so consumed by sadness they can barely take care of themselves let alone someone else. Are you being taken care of, Nola? Are you eating? Sleeping?
N. Knox: I’m not stupid. If I say that my mom isn’t feeding me or say that she’s neglecting me I know that I go into foster care. Not going to happen. I’m fine. We’re fine.
L. Gonzalez: Fair enough. Let’s go back to what you said about how dealing with animals is easier than people. What if you tried that with your mother and your teachers and classmates? All you have to do is talk gently and offer them a treat—obviously not a dog biscuit, but maybe a kind word or two—and perhaps things might get better. What do you say? Will you give it a try this week? See what happens?
N. Knox: I suppose.
L. Gonzalez: And you might want to think about using this same strategy with the boy you hurt. It could go a long way with the juvenile courts if you offer him a sincere apology for pushing him and causing his injuries.
N. Knox: I will never, ever, apologize to Nick Brady. I don’t care if I go to jail or have to come here every week for the rest of my life. I’m not saying sorry. He’s lucky I didn’t kill him.