Page 7 of This is How I Lied
Thursday, December 21, 1995
9:30 p.m.
Nick unlocked the door and Eve followed him inside. The Brady entryway, warm and inviting with its dark oak floors and soft lighting, was bigger than Eve’s entire bedroom. Sometimes she couldn’t believe she was inside a house like this, with someone like Nick Brady. He was cute, smart and rich. What he saw in Eve, she didn’t know. But then Eve was beginning to wonder what she ever saw in Nick.
They’d spent the evening in Zeke Berger’s basement eating pizza and playing video games. Well, at least that’s what Nick did. Eve sat in the corner watching the boys shoot and chop up zombies. Later, Zeke came over and sat next to Eve and they talked about tomorrow’s English final and how they both should have been studying instead. Zeke was nice, easy to be around, but Eve could tell by the way that Nick glared at them out of the corner of his eye that he was getting pissed. Then when they were leaving Zeke’s house and walking to the car, Nick suddenly pushed her from behind. Eve tripped, her shoulder catching the side view mirror before falling to her knees.
“Fuck, watch where you’re going,” Nick snapped. “Damn it,” he said examining the damage. “My dad is going to be pissed.”
“I’m sorry,” Eve whispered, getting to her feet and rubbing her shoulder.
They drove back to Nick’s house in silence. Eve was tired. Exhausted really. She never knew what might set Nick off, only that something would. It could be that Eve was talking too much or not enough. It could be the clothes she was wearing or that she wasn’t giving Nick enough attention or she was being too clingy. She couldn’t win.
Nick had only hit her outright once. A quick smack to the face that left a quarter-sized bruise on her cheek. It had shocked them both and when Eve started crying Nick had tried to play it off as no big deal. Eve tried to cover the purple bruise with heavy makeup but people noticed. Eve mumbled something about getting elbowed during PE.
Now Nick was much more careful. A jab to the ribs, a pinch, a shove, a yank on her hair didn’t lead to unwanted questions. No one noticed the halo of bruises around her forearm or the way she favored an elbow, except Nola. Eve brushed her questions aside, but from the smirk on Nola’s face, Eve knew she didn’t believe her.
Nick drove up the steep private drive lined with towering pines that led to the Brady home. Unlike Eve, Nick had no neighbors. On a bluff only a few miles away as the crow flies was Eve’s house but they couldn’t be more different. Nick’s massive house had tall white columns and triangular pediments and a park-like front yard with a circular driveway. Eve’s house had a cracked foundation and a crumbling garage so filled with junk that there was no room for their mother’s run-down hatchback.
Once inside, Eve pulled off her boots and set them neatly on the rug. Nick’s parents weren’t home. They never were. His dad worked in Willow Creek as the boss of a lumber company. His mom owned a little shop downtown called Grotto Gifts & Things that sold everything from candles and cookbooks to artwork by local artists. Eve’s mother couldn’t even afford to shop there.
Though Nick and Eve had been dating for eight months, she’d only met his dad a few times. He was nice enough, just seemed like he was always in a hurry though Nick’s mother tried to make Eve feel welcome. Eve appreciated the effort but it was hard to feel at ease when the floor she was standing on cost more than her entire house.
Nick grabbed two cans of pop from the fridge and handed Eve one. “You hungry?” he asked.
“No,” Eve said, though she hadn’t eaten anything since that morning. Her shoulder ached and all she wanted to do was go home.
“Let’s go upstairs,” Nick said, tugging on Eve’s hand.
“I’ve got to get home soon,” Eve said, pulling her hand away. She already regretted coming all the way over to Nick’s house and wondered how she was going to get home. She had decided on the ride over that she was finished with Nick and his possessiveness and hot temper. She just needed to get the nerve up to tell him. “Let’s just stay down here. My mom has to work late and she doesn’t like it when Nola stays home alone.”
“I don’t think you need to worry about Nola,” Nick said popping the metal tab and taking a long drink. “She’s fine on her own. Unless of course she’s out drowning puppies or something.”
“Ha, ha,” Eve deadpanned. “That’s really funny, Nick. That’s just a stupid rumor. Nola never did anything like that.” Normally she wouldn’t dare call him out on his meanness but Eve wasn’t going to do this anymore. “Don’t talk about my sister.”
Nick set his can on the marble countertop and stared at her in disbelief. “What did you say?”
Eve didn’t respond, her eyes fixated on Nick’s clenched fist.
“You’re feisty tonight,” he laughed meanly.
He reached for Eve and she flinched as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Being hugged by Nick, Eve thought, was like being swallowed whole. At first you feel loved and warm and safe then suddenly you can’t breathe. Eve jabbed him gently with her elbows and laughed. “Too tight,” she said.
Nick eased his grip but still pushed Eve toward the stairs. Again Eve wished she had never come inside the house. She should have told him in the car.
“Nick, I really have to go,” Eve said as she wriggled away. “Let’s just talk for a minute.”
“Talk about what?” He arched one eyebrow suggestively and slid his fingers through Eve’s belt loops, pulling her close. His breath was hot and smelled sweetly of bubblegum and pizza. He was hard against her stomach.
“Just talk,” Eve said, trying to squirm away.
“Like the way you and Zeke were talking earlier?” Nick asked. So here it was, Eve thought. She knew he was going to bring it up. Nick had given her the cold shoulder in the car. She should have just asked him to take her home.
“That was nothing.” She gave a little laugh.
“Nothing?” Nick aped back at her.