Page 73 of This is How I Lied
Friday, June 19, 2020
Henry Kennedy was waiting at the front door as Nola walked up the porch steps carrying a pie in one hand and a small gray plastic bag in the other. If he remembered anything about what happened the day before he didn’t give any indication.
“Dad,” Colin said, coming up behind him. “I invited Nola to the barbecue.” To Nola he said, “Come on in. What can I get you to drink?”
“I’ll have whatever you’re having,” Nola said.
They traveled through the living room and into the kitchen to find Maggie and Shaun already there sitting at the table.
“Thanks,” Nola said as Colin handed her a bottle of beer from the refrigerator. Nola stared defiantly at Maggie and took a long drink.
Sensing tension, Colin jumped in. “I just put the burgers on,” he said. “They should be ready in about fifteen minutes. Hope you are all hungry.”
“I’m starved,” Shaun said, rubbing his hands together. “Hey, I wanted to ask you about making a sculpture for the shop at the orchard. You interested?” The two disappeared out the door and into the garage leaving Nola and Maggie alone in the kitchen.
“Here,” Nola said thrusting the bag at Maggie.
“What’s this?” Maggie asked. She peeked inside and the color leached from her face. “What the hell, Nola?” She pressed the bag back into Nola’s hands, noticing a Band-Aid wrapped around Nola’s finger. “Why did you bring this here? Are you crazy?”
“Take it,” Nola ordered. “I want this done. The sooner you get the evidence to the lab the sooner this will all be over with.”
Maggie shook her head. “I don’t think I can do this, Nola. I think I’ll just take my chances.”
“We’ve been through this, Maggie.” Nola tipped the beer to her lips. “You’re almost there. Remember what Nick did to me? What he did to Eve? Do you really think someone like that should be running around free?” When Maggie didn’t answer she went on, “Think about your baby, Maggie. It’s the most important part of all this, right? You have to do this for your baby.”
“I should probably go sit with my dad,” Maggie said, grabbing the bag and rushing from the room. Nola went to the refrigerator, retrieved another bottle of beer and went to the front door. From behind the screen she could see Maggie leaning into the truck.
Nola went outside carrying two bottles of beer and waggled one at Henry. “Here you go, Henry,” she said. “I thought you might be thirsty.”
“Thanks,” Henry said, reaching for the bottle.
“Dad,” Maggie said coming up the front steps. “You know that’s not a good idea. When you drink your sleep gets messed up.”
Henry took a deep swig and smiled mischievously. “One beer isn’t going to make a difference,” he said. “Tastes good.”
Nola squeezed into the spot next to him on the swing and lifted her bottle and clinked it against his. “Salud,” Nola said, and smiled.
“Time to eat,” Colin called through the screen door. Nola lagged behind as they moved through the house and to the kitchen. “Help yourself,” Colin said. “We can eat out back.” They each grabbed paper plates and plastic silverware and dished up baked beans and potato salad and moved to the back patio. The air was still hot and humid with the temperature hovering in the eighties even though it was after six. A citronella candle sat in the middle of the table emitting its lemony scent.
“I’d like to propose a toast,” Maggie said, tapping on her glass of lemonade with a plastic fork. “Colin, we are so proud of you. I remember when we were kids you always said you were going to be an artist. I know it’s been a long road but all your hard work is paying off. Congratulations on your first big sale—and here’s to many more.” Maggie lifted her glass into the air. “Cheers.”
“Cheers,” everyone said heartily, raising their own drinks. Even Nola.
“Hello?” a voice from inside the house called out. “Anyone here?”
Nola looked to Colin. “Is someone else coming to dinner?” she asked.
“Yeah, Dad and I were on the porch talking about it and the Harpers came outside,” Colin said. “He invited them to come too.”
“Oh my God,” Maggie murmured, rising from her chair.
“What’s the matter?” Shaun asked with concern. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Maggie said as the Harpers stepped into the backyard. Joyce carried a covered dish and Cam a small cooler. “Everyone’s here.”
Nola leaned over and whispered to Maggie. “All we need is Nick Brady.”