Page 88 of This is How I Lied
Monday, June 22, 2020
Nola, scalpel in hand, looked down on Maggie whose eyes were glazed over with pain. This was taking too long, Nola thought. An hour had already passed since they arrived at the caves and the chance of someone coming across Maggie’s car was growing. Nola needed to speed things up. She had to admit, though, that this was more fun than she thought it would be.
“Focus,” Nola said sharply and gave a quick slap to Maggie’s cheek. Maggie’s eyes snapped open with fear. “I need you to listen to me, Maggie. Did you really think I would let you get away with killing my sister?”
“I’m sorry,” Maggie said bracing herself for another contraction. “I swear I didn’t mean for it to go that far!”
“Are you sure?” Nola asked, unconvinced. “You killed her, Maggie. It sure seems like you were more than willing to let it go that far.”
Maggie moaned in pain. “I don’t understand why you are doing this,” Maggie cried. “Just tell me what you want.”
“It’s pretty simple, really,” Nola said curtly. “I want Nick Brady to go down for what he did to me. And I want you to pay for what you did to my sister. See if you can keep up.” Nola stood upright and tapped her chin thoughtfully. “Nick beats up Eve and gets away with it. You kill Eve and get away with it. Nick sexually assaults me and gets away with it. See a pattern here?”
“I was hurt too,” Maggie tried to explain. “Cam Harper hurt me. Please, we can stop all this right now. We can end it.”
“Damn right, we can,” Nola said triumphantly. “So this is what’s going to happen. Or at least what people are going to think happened. Nick killed Eve. With the new investigation you began to suspect Nick. The DNA will eventually back that up. In the meantime, Nick kills you. Nick gets arrested for two murders.” Nola smiled as she held up another small syringe, this one filled with what looked like blood. “What do you think, Maggie? Does that cover things?”