Page 21 of The Maid's Pregnancy Bombshell
‘I’ll be gentle,’ Ares promised, dropping his mouth to the distended pink bud with less haste and more care and dallying there until little quivers were shaking her and she was arching up to him, having discovered that that same tenderness could also translate into greater arousal. ‘We need to consider contraception,’ he continued. ‘I’ll take precautions.’
That information lightened Alana’s worry. If he was that careful, it was unlikely he had been irresponsible in Abu Dhabi, she reasoned. Just because she hadn’t noticed him using anything didn’t mean he hadn’t, because she had been too caught up in the thrill of the experience to be observant. In fact, it challenged her to believe that Ares could be careless in such a field and most probably she was worrying about nothing. If only she had asked him at the time...but if she were to ask him now, he would surely guesswhyshe was asking.
A blunt forefinger scored a flushed cheekbone. Brilliant dark eyes held hers fast. ‘You’re a hundred miles away in your head,’ he complained.
Alana was taken aback that he was sufficiently attuned to her to have noticed that she had withdrawn. ‘You’re like that most of the time—’
‘But not with you,’ Ares contradicted, lowering his head to run his stubbled jaw over the soft, smooth slope of her breasts.
That roughened sensation made her shiver and he smiled down at her with sudden brilliance and then he kissed her, gathering her back into the heat of him, making her aware of every hard line of his long muscular body. His big hands roamed over her with the assurance that accompanied everything he did, and she could feel the heat rising between her thighs as he tugged at her swollen nipples and gently traced circles round her clitoris. A finger slid between her slick folds, teased at her entrance before delving inside her and she squirmed back into him, helpless in the grip of that flood of sensation.
‘You’re so tight and wet.’ He savoured the words, pulling back from her and reaching for something.
He tore it open with his teeth, angled back his hips and deftly donned the condom before flipping her over, laughing at her gasp of surprise as he arranged her on her knees and straight away plunged into her, stretching her tight depths without hesitation.
‘My goodness,’ she burbled, eyes wide at the new tidal wave of sensation as her body initially struggled to adapt to take him.
‘My ambition is to make you say a rude word. You never ever curse.’ Ares pulled out of her before driving back into her yielding sheath with greater force. ‘It’s cute but unsustainable.’
‘Not up to a conversation right now,’ Alana wheezed, all concentration banished, her body now awash with the surge of sexual reaction. Dangerous little eddies of breathtaking need were gathering low in her belly with the sensual friction of his invasion.
Ares rearranged her with firm hands and angled deeper into her, speeding up as breathy little sounds started to escape her. Excitement grabbed her in a blinding rush, her body jolting to the pounding thrust of his until she felt insanely out of control. Her heart sprinted inside her chest—thump...thump...thump—as the torturous pleasure climbed and climbed and it became harder and harder to breathe through the sheer exhilaration of her response. The ache of hunger and need was unbearable until finally a starburst of heat flared at her core and radiated out in shock waves of drowning pleasure.
Breathing hoarsely, Ares watched her collapse down on the bed like a puppet with its strings cut. He laughed, turned her over, dark golden eyes running possessively over her hectically flushed face and the drowsiness etched there. ‘Don’t go to sleep. I’ll want you again.’
‘Stop being so bossy.’
‘Stop being so lazy,’ Ares quipped, sliding an arm beneath her and lifting her.
‘What are you doing?’
‘Taking you for a shower...a wake-up shower,’ he extended, carrying her across the room and kicking the door of the en suite bathroom open.
Once the water was streaming, he walked her under it and began to wash her with a cloth. ‘I’m beginning to feel like a doll,’ Alana protested.
‘Mydoll...mywife,’ Ares countered with a quirk of his sensual mouth. ‘But way too feisty to allow me to do anything you don’t want.’
The cloth moved over her skin in gentle soapy sweeps. It was the first time that Ares had referred to her as his wife as though she were a real wife and she liked it, she liked it way too much. It was a huge shower and he sat her down on the bench and did a very creditable job of shampooing her hair. ‘Now you’ll smell like me as well,’ he remarked.
‘What is this?’ she framed warily.
‘The prelude to shower sex. I assumed you’d be keen to tick that box too,’ he teased.
‘I didn’t think about it—’
‘You don’t need to think. I’m very inventive when I need to be. I’m in Switzerland next week. You can join me and the week after we’ll be in Greece together,’ he reminded her.
He was finally letting her into his life, Alana thought on a wave of intoxicating happiness. Shower sex suddenly seemed a very good idea, particularly when she had never seen Ares act so relaxed. She watched the water stream down over his well-developed pectoral and abdominal muscles and stroked her hand in the same direction, touching him, appreciating him. She looked up at him, connected with smouldering dark gold enticement and her heart hammered afresh and her mouth ran dry. He lifted her and took her lips with hungry urgency, long, drugging kisses that left her mindless. Before she had regained ground, Ares had her backed up against the wall and he was slamming into her again hard and fast, making her feel every inch of him, rocking her world with such ease that it left her breathless and moaning through another seething climax.
Ares slotted her into a giant towel and patted her dry, wrapped her hair in a smaller one and laid her down on the bed. ‘Have a nap. I’ll see Rothman, the estate manager, and get up to date with some other stuff and we’ll dine when I’m free.’
Green eyes verdant as a forest glade opened wide. ‘Even my naps have to fit into your schedule now?’
‘You said you wanted to be with me,’ Ares reminded her bluntly.
‘And it’s all in or all out?’
‘Pretty much,’ he confirmed.