Page 68 of Caught on Camera
It’s been forty-eight hours since I slept with Shawn, and the memory of his mouth on my lips is still there. It hasn’t faded away yet, and I wonder if it ever will. I wonder if it will be an invisible mark I carry with me until the end of time.
“Lacey? Are you okay?” Maggie asks, and I blink out of the trance I’ve fallen into, a memory of his head between my legs and how beautiful his tattoos look under the light of the moon.
“Yeah. Sorry. There’s a lot on my mind with work and the chief physician position,” I say.
It stings to lie to my friend, but I cannot, under any circumstances, tell her what happened in Shawn’s apartment. It’s our secret, something I’ll remember when he rests his palm on the small of my back later tonight. When he hands me a drink and brushes his lips across my cheek like the doting boyfriend he is.
“No necklace,” she says. “A necklace will take away from the neckline, which is my favorite part of the dress.”
“No necklace it is.” I set the pearls on the kitchen counter and put in my earrings. “I wish you and Aiden could come tonight.”
“I’m sure it would be fun, but we’ve both been busy at work, too. We’re taking the week of Christmas off to visit his family with Maven, so I feel like I’m just trying to hang on until then.” Maggie sits on one of my barstools and swings her legs back and forth. “How’s it been dating Shawn?”
“Pretending to date Shawn,” I say, and I clasp a small silver bracelet around my left wrist. “Good. Nothing’s different from how we are as friends. He’s still kind and thoughtful, and he still brings me magnets. I wish I knew why he was single; he’s the perfect guy. Has Aiden said anything?”
“Not really.” She shrugs and brushes a pile of crumbs into the sink. “I don’t think there’s a story or anything. Maybe Shawn has never felt comfortable around a woman before. I’m sure it’s hard to trust someone as an athlete. You wonder if people likeyou, or the fame that comes with being associated with you.”
“Oh.” I smooth my hands over my dress and remember how Shawn told me he was picky. I wonder if that’s what he meant. “I never thought about it like that. That’s kind of sad, isn’t it?”
“Of course it’s sad. Shawn protects his heart, and he’s very selective about who he lets in. Hopefully, by dating you, he sees that there are good people out there who like him for him.”
“Pretending to date me,” I say again, and Maggie narrows her eyes. “What? I don’t want anyone to be confused when this ends in a couple of weeks.” My phone buzzes on the counter, and Shawn’s name pops up on the screen. I answer his call and smile. “Hey.”
“Hey. Sorry I’m a few minutes late. It’s snowing again, so traffic is a nightmare. I’m out front, though. Make sure you bring a coat,” he says.
“Will do. Do you want anything from my place?”
“I’m all set. The limo has drinks. It also has snacks, too, in case you get hungry.”
“Limo?” I ask. “Why are you picking me up in a limo? I thought by getting us a car, you meant ordering an Uber.”
“The team sent me one, and it’s the only night of the year I let myself act like I’m wealthy. Plus, we can listen to Christmas music with surround sound.”
“Now you’re speaking my language. I’ll be down in just a few minutes.”
I hang up and grab my black clutch. I shove my phone and lipstick inside and glance up to find Maggie watching me.
“What?” I ask, and I run my fingers through my hair. I curled it earlier, and the soft waves fall to just below my shoulders. “Do I have a stain on my dress?”
“You’re smiling,” she says.
“Why wouldn’t I be smiling? I’m in a good mood.”
“Because Shawn is downstairs?”
“Because I’m going to a fun holiday party with delicious food, a cotton candy machine, and gingerbread cookies made by the best bakery in the city,” I say. “And, yes, Shawn will be there too, but I’m not smiling because ofhim. Having my friend there is a bonus.”
“Right.” Maggie nods. “Of course.”
“Stop.” I point my finger at her, and she grins. “You’re not allowed to go home and tell Aiden anything.”
“Is there something to tell?”
“Not a damn thing.” I huff and slide my long coat over my shoulders, tying it tight around my waist. “Will you lock up when you leave?”
“I will. Have fun tonight, Lace. You deserve to smile more,” Maggie says. “If Shawn is the one that makes you happy, that’s fine by me.”