Page 39 of Behind the Camera
Time to make it sixty-one in a row.
I swing my leg from front to back then side to side to loosen my hamstring. I twist my back next, groaning as my spine pops. When I turn to the left, I see Maven at the far end of the sideline.
Her attention is on the game. One hand is on her hip and the other holds her camera halfway up to her face. It’s like she’s in a trance, and I bite the inside of my cheek when she squats down to get a better angle for a shot of Jett and the rest of the boys.
Fuck, she’s beautiful.
She’s been on my mind since the paint room two weeks ago. I haven’t stopped thinking about being on top of her and the soft curves of her body. Andgoddamnthere are a lot of curves.
Her ass.
Her thighs and hips.
Her chest that pressed against mine.
Up until this point, I could pretend like she wasn’t so fucking attractive.
I could ignore it when she walked around the apartment in tiny jean shorts, playing it off like the muscles in her legs were just part of my imagination.
Now I know she’s a goddamn knockout. I know how perfectly she fits under me and what it feels like when she arches her back to get closer to me, like she’s fucking desperate for it.
It’s driving me out of my fucking mind.
“Hey.” An elbow lands in my ribs, and I wince. I look to my right and see Odell Sinclair, one of our defensive linemen, staring at me. “What are you doing?”
I shake my head and stand in front of the kicking tee, trying to wipe my mind clean. I have a job to do, and I’m getting distracted by the hot blonde behind me. I pull my leg back and kick the ball straight into the practice net. “Nothing.”
“You were staring at something.”
“I’m watching the game,” I say.
“The game that’s on the opposite end of the field?” he asks.
“Okay, fine. I was checking the wind.”
“The flags on the scoreboard aren’t moving.”
“You’re a nosy motherfucker, aren’t you?”
“Wait a second.” He glances over my shoulder and grins. “You were looking at a girl. You never look at girls. Who is it?”
“I’m not looking at anyone.” I fix my shoulder pads and shove him out of the way. “Mind your business and let me be.”
“It’s hard to mind my business when you’re drooling, Cap.”
“I am not drooling,” I say emphatically.
“Sure looked like you were.”
I ignore him and line up another kick. I put more punch behind this one, satisfied with how it feels against my foot. “Fuck off, Sinclair. I’m trying to do my job.”
“Fine. Keep your secrets. I’ll figure it out eventually. I always do,” he says.
She’s the one person I can’t get caught staring at, and especially not by the guy with the loudest mouth on the team.
I’m already on thin ice with her being June’s nanny and a member of the Titans. It’s a gray area I’m barely skating around, and one wrong move would ruin everything.