Page 22 of Loyalty
Alfredo shook his head. “They’re not magical.”
“Yes, they are!” Signora Tozzi clasped her hands together. “And the cheese is magical, too!”
“No, it’s not.” Alfredo concluded that Signora Tozzi had a hard head. “Anyway, would you like some?”
“Yes, I’ll take two packets!” Signora Tozzi thrust coins at him.
One of her ladyfriends called out, “I’ll take two packets, too!”
“So will I!” said her third ladyfriend, pushing money on Alfredo. He sold cheese as fast as he could hand it over, and Beatrice kept looking around, wondering what was going on. The other vendors started talking behind their hands, and passersby became attracted by the commotion and started digging in their pockets for money.
Alfredo sold out, for the first time ever. He’d always gone home with cheese and eaten it himself. He’d eaten so much cheese he thought it flowed in his veins.
He looked at Beatrice, picked up her rope, and they turned to go home.
Feeling happy and lucky, for which he thanked G-d.
“Good morning, beautiful woman.” Renzo greeted his wife by squeezing her breast when she entered the staff room. She was starting the day shift as he ended the night shift, so this was the only time they saw each other during the week. They used to make love behind the cubbyholes, and he wanted to revive the practice.
“Stop it, silly.” Teresa brushed her blouse down and put her purse in her cubbyhole.
“Youdolook beautiful today.” Renzo kissed her on the cheek, breathing in the soapiness of her skin. “Kiss me.”
“Don’t get any ideas.” Teresa reached for her muslin apron.
“Why not?” Renzo chuckled. “We’re married. I have a right to pleasure. So do you. What a coincidence.”
Teresa looped her apron over her neck. “How was work last night?”
“Wonderful.” Renzo opened his big arms. “Welcome to the madhouse!”
Teresa smiled, surprised. “What’s gotten into you, Renzo? You’re usually so crabby after your shift.”
“Not anymore.” Renzo beamed. “Things are looking up, don’t you think? We can buy meat this month. We’ll eat like kings.”
Teresa frowned, tying her apron in the back. “Only because of Dante.”
“Yes, we got Prince Pinocchio admitted and made a fortune. Youshould kiss me for that.” Renzo took another swipe at her breast, but Teresa sidestepped him.
“I wish you had discussed it with me first.”
“I knew you’d say no. You can’t go against me now. You’d get me fired.”
Teresa fretted. “I don’t sleep well.”
“You’re not tired enough.” Renzo grabbed her, kissing her neck. “I’ll tire you. I’llexhaustyou.”
Teresa pushed him away. “Dante doesn’t belong here. I feel sorry for him.”
“I don’t. Now he’ll get a taste of the world.”
“This isn’t the world. This is hell.”
“It won’t kill him.”
“It might,” Teresa shot back. They both knew that another child, a deaf-mute, had died here last year after a beating, when his wounds turned septic.