Page 44 of Loyalty
“In other words, use our powers of observation,” added Don Ugo.
“Then, I have a second way to narrow down the list.” Gaetano turned to Don Fulvio and Don Fabiano. “Gentlemen, I know you’re both bankers with positions of responsibility in your respective institutions. I’m asking you to look at this list and see if you recognize the families of your clients. I’m hoping you will identify those clients, and the next time you’re at the bank, investigate their accounts and determine if they’ve made large withdrawals since the kidnapping, as if for a ransom. Obviously many people are making large withdrawals, especially with taxes”—Gaetano paused for the grumbling around the table—“but perhaps you can discern the reason for the withdrawal and determine whether it was valid. If so, it will enable us to identity families who are likely to have been victims.”
Don Fulvio frowned. “I can do it, and I will. But you can imagine our clients are concerned with confidentiality. They may not give me a valid reason, if asked.”
Don Fabiano shrugged. “True, but we know many of them well enough to know if they’re lying.”
“Good.” Gaetano straightened. “The third way to narrow down the list is for the lawyers among us, like Carmine, Don Manfreddi, and me.”
“Yes?” Carmine looked up, and so did Don Manfreddi.
“Most families of means contact a lawyer for a Last Will & Testament after a male child is born. You must have drafted such instruments. So, like the bankers, I’m asking you to go through these lists, identify any clients of yours, and see if they have made a will.”
Carmine responded, “We can do it, Gaetano.”
Gaetano came to his final point. “Lastly, even after we have reduced the list thusly, we’ll still have many, many families to visit. It would take too long for one person alone, so I reorganized the families according to their neighborhoods. We can divide the neighborhoods among us and interview the families simultaneously. I’ve already started visiting families, to no avail yet. My cover story is that I’m a lawyer interested in getting new business.”
Carmine smiled. “Good work, Gaetano!”
Don Manfreddi said, “You never know, you might get new clients.”
Gaetano laughed. “If there are no further questions, let’s get down to work and see how many we can eliminate tonight.”
The meeting ended at midnight,and the Beati Paoli had eliminated twenty boys for a variety of reasons. Gaetano hoped the number would narrow in the days to come.
Gaetano let himself into his apartment quietly because everyone had gone to bed. He tiptoed through the dining room, where Maria had left a candle burning next to his favorite pastry, a Finger of the Apostle, a ricotta-filled confection with one end dipped in chocolate. He was about to take a bite when she appeared in her nightgown, her dark hair loose to her shoulders.
“Gaetano.” Maria smiled indulgently, crossing her slender arms. “Any other woman would think her husband was having an affair.”
“I’m sorry I’m late.” Gaetano went to her, took her in his arms, andgave her a kiss on the forehead, then the lips. He breathed in her lemon blossom perfume, faint on her warm skin.
“Where have you been?”
“At work.”
Maria lifted an eyebrow, her smile fading. “Funny, because Bartolomeo stopped in looking for you. He said Don Matteo was looking for you, too.”
Gaetano cringed. “I’m sorry, uh, I had something else to do.”
Maria put a hand on his arm. “Where were you? Where have you been lately? You seem preoccupied.”
“Honestly, I do have something on my mind.”
“What? Tell me.” Maria searched his face, pained. “Are you ill?”
“No.” Gaetano sat down and Maria joined him.
“What’s going on then?”
“It’s about the kidnapping.”
“What kidnapping?” Maria asked, and Gaetano realized even she had forgotten about the boy.Palermitanimoved on the way they always did after a crime, thanking God they weren’t today’s victims and hoping they wouldn’t be tomorrow’s.
“The one from the festival. It bothers me.” Gaetano owed her an explanation, since the foundation of his love was his respect for her, and their marriage was one of best friends, as well as lovers. “I got baptismal records from the Cathedral and have been trying to figure out who the kidnapped boy is.”
Maria frowned. “Gaetano, why?”
“I can’t solve the crime if I don’t know its victim.”