Page 73 of Loyalty
Franco rose at the head of the table, having called a meeting of thegabellottifrom thegiardiniguarded by the Fiorvantis. It was a temperate night, but the breeze was still hazy from the fire at Baron Zito’s estate. A smoky odor tainted the air.
“Gentlemen, I called this meeting because of the horrific fire. As you know, it destroyed my farmhouse and thegiardinoI spent my life tending. It’s devastating to me, as it is to Roberto. We’re staying at Mario’s, and we apologize for these circumstances. You know I like to offer you a nice meal, but that wasn’t possible.”
Roberto nodded, and Franco began to walk around the table as he spoke, so he could look each man in the eye.
“We know exactly who committed this crime. The culprits are the brigands and bandits from whom we protect you and yourgiardini. That’s why they attacked Roberto and me. They seek to destroy us, but it won’t work. We’ll do whatever it takes to protect you, yourgiardini, and your lemons.”
Franco cleared his throat. “I know your boss is like Baron Zito, a man no better than any other, given power by birth. I want you to go to your bosses and tell them that Baron Zito’s estate was burned by bandits. Tell them bandits could burn their villas andgiardininext. Tell them they need the Fiorvantis more than ever.”
Most of the men nodded, quick to agree.
“I also want you to tell them our fee is increasing by twenty-five percent, and the justification is plain. Protecting theirgiardiniand harvest has grown more dangerous, and the risk to us is greater. It’s only fair your bosses pay more.”
Franco paused for comment, but only Michele raised a hand.
“Franco, I can’t afford to pay twenty-five percent more. As you know, wegabellottiare middlemen, answering to the nobles and managing thecontadiniwho lease and farm the land. Our boss pays us a salary, but it’s not much. Thecontadinipay us, too, but they’re barely breaking even. We cannot pay more.”
Men exchanged nervous looks, but Franco had a surprise for them.
“I understand, but let me be clear. The full twenty-five percent is not going to me or Roberto. We’ll split it evenly with you, and your half will go directly back to you, into yourownpocket.”
Frowns turned to smiles, and eyebrows flew up in delight.
“Roberto and I are doing this because we share our bounty. That’s how it is with family, isn’t it? Loyalty is everything to the Fiorvantis, and I know it is to you, too.”
“Bravi, Franco and Roberto!” one of thegabellotticalled out, raising his wine bottle. Everyone chimed in,“Grazie!”
“Thank you.” Franco waved to quiet them. “Look, I know this doesn’t solve your problem. Remind thecontadinithat, if not for our protection, they couldn’t make a living at all. Of course, the deeper pocket is your boss, and with him, use the destruction of Baron Zito’s estates as an example. Twenty-five percent more is far less than the catastrophic loss of an entiregiardino. However, if those asses turn you down, I will meet with them and convince them.” Franco paused, smiling. “I can be very convincing.”
The men burst into laughter, except for Michele, who was still uneasy.
Franco walked over to him. “Michele, if you have a problem, speak freely. I want to know what’s on your mind.”
“I can’t get any more out of mycontadini. If I try, they’ll come after me with pitchforks.”
“What about your boss, Baron DiGiulio?”
“He won’t pay.”
“Then pay it yourself. You’re going to get half back, from us.”
“I don’t have it. My wife just had a third baby, and my mother is sick. Her doctor bills are terrible. I’m in debt.” Michele hesitated. “Will you advance me my half, since you’re giving it back to me anyway?”
“No, that’s not how it works. All of the others are stepping up.” Franco gestured to the table. “Raising the money isn’t easy for any of them.”
“But it’s harder for me than the others. Their bosses are more responsible. Baron DiGiulio spends like crazy. He’s vain and dreams of power. He wants to be mayor.” Michele swallowed hard. “I can pay the old fee, but not twenty-five percent more. Can’t I continue as before?”
“No.” Franco placed a hand on his shoulder. “We act as one, like a family. If you don’t wish to pay more, you’re no longer a member of this family. You’ll protect your own lemons from now on.”
Michele looked over, and Franco could see fear in his eyes, flickering in the light from the bonfire.
“Michele, it’s your choice. Stay or go.”
“I can’t stay under the new terms.”
“Then go.” Franco removed his hand from Michele’s shoulder. “It was a pleasure doing business with you. I regret that we can no longer continue our relationship. Stay well.”
“You, uh, want me to leavenow?”