Page 23 of Failure to Match
“What the fuck is it doinghere?”
I cuddled Toebeans closer, placing a small kiss behind his twitching ear as he surveyed his new surroundings, making note of all the best butt-licking spots. I’d taken him out of his carrier as soon as we left the cab. He hated that thing with a hissing passion.
“Where else would he be staying for the next month?” I asked.
“That thing looks like it does nothing but shed,” Jackson bit back.
I hummed.
He wasn’t incorrect.
“Take it back outside,” he demanded rudely. “I don’t want it anywhere near my furniture.”
Unsurprising, given the state of this place.
I looked around the living area, rigorously unimpressed by it all. Every inch of the massive space was pristinely grey, black, or white. It was all very sterile-looking. Like specs of dust were plucked straight out of the air before they could even think about settling on anything.
It didn’t even feel like anyone lived here. It just looked like an insanely expensive showroom. It was really elegant and well put-together but, like… okay, for example, what was the point of having a couch that made you feel bad about using it? That thing was so blindingly white and angular I’d be scared to sit on it the wrong way.
Jackson’s frosty blue eyes and sandy brown hair were the only noticeable pops of color in the room. Even his clothes were black and white. (Speaking of, who the hell wore a full three-piece suit at home?)
I offered him my best, most insincere smile. It went unreturned. “The good news is that his fur is the same shade of grey as a lot of your furniture, so it probably won’t be too noticeable.”
His jaw twitched. “Miss Paquin, don’t you think it would have been appropriate for you to ask for permission before bringing that thing?—”
“Thatthingis ahe,” I corrected, already depleted of patience. “His name is Toebeans Maguire, and I did get permission. This was all cleared with your aunt before I agreed to come here and do this with you.”
The only other person I trusted to watch Toebeans for a full month was Ria and she was currently in the middle of a ten-week honeymoon with Alice’s brother, so here we were.
Jackson’s jaw worked unhappily, but he didn’t argue. He looked like he desperately wanted to, but he forced himself to bite it back.
I didn’t have a ton of insight as to what his relationship with Minerva was like, but from what I’d observed so far, she held all the cards. Her word was final, and Jackson obviously hated it.
“Fine,” he managed, the muscles in his neck straining like they protested the word. “Just make sure he stays in your suite. I’ll get Bensen to?—”
He made the mistake of taking one too many steps forward.
Toebeans hissed, baring his tiny fangs at the approaching threat as his tail flicked with outrage. It was aggressive enough that Jackson recoiled back, brows crunching together.
“Look at that.” I grinned. “He loathes you.”
Toebeans didn’t like most strangers, especially men. But I wanted Jackson to feel special.
“Odd,” I went on. “He usually loves everyone.”
“He wasn’t all that fond of me either, sir.” Bensen walked into the room just in time to ruin my fun. His voice was tilted with light amusement, and he shot me a quick smile before returning his attention to Young Master Satan-clair. “I wouldn’t take it too personally.”
I’d rather Jackson did take it personally though.
To me, Bensen said, “Your items have been taken to your rooms. I’ll escort you there whenever you are ready.”
“Take her there now,” Jackson grumbled, eyes pinned to the big furry ball of adorableness loafed up in my arms like it was a ticking time bomb. “We’ll resume our meeting after she drops the feline off.”
Bensen dipped his head politely. “As you wish, sir. Miss Paquin, if you and Mr. Maguire would please follow me.”
Mr. Maguire.
I liked that.