Page 107 of Winning Play
“Lockerroom,”Ramirezanswered. “We’llhave a brief on-field workout afterward.”
“Whatwill happen withWestgate—is he draft eligible?”Ericcontinued.
“Ifhe chooses, he can enter the draft,”Matthewssaid. “Onthat topic, remember that scouts notify us daily to observe players.Allthree of you have generated substantial interest.Counton at least one scout observing each of the remaining games.”
“Anyfurther questions or concerns, gentlemen?”Ramirezoffered.
Spenceshook his head. “Appreciatethe heads up.Dowe need to hang out here until the meeting?”
“Noneed,”Matthewsreplied. “We’llsee you later.”
“Well, that really sucks,”Ericspat as the three exited the athletic complex.
Toddstruggled to hold back his sarcastic laugh. “Really,CaptainObvious.”HenudgedSpencewith his elbow and probed, “County, you doing okay?”
“Absofreakinglutely.”Sarcasmlaced his voice. “Perfectway to end our college careers.”
“We’redamn well going to win the conference title.Screwthe championship and stay focused on building individual stats—that's how we’ll snag first-round draft picks.”Erictried to reassure them.
“Yeah, such fine examples of team leadership.”Spence’stone edged on bitter. “Onemore conference title is meaningless if we can’t compete for theNationalChampionship.”
“Youdon’t mean that, man.”Toddclapped a hand on the team captain’s shoulder. “Weall want another shot at the championship, but until the appeal’s successful, we shift our attention to the ultimate goal—a shot at the next level.”
Spencestopped short and locked eyes with his friend.Hebelieves that?
“Thisfiasco casts a shadow of suspicion over the entire team—scouts will compare us to other potential draft picks.”HesawToddstart to speak but waved him off. “Ineed time to process this.I’llcatch up with you later.”
Kimread through the internship opportunities, marking several possibilities.TheSuns’ marketing department listed three positions—season ticket retention, charitable events, and social media.Charitableevents sounded interesting—assist in setting up and coordinating charitable opportunities for the organization, including player visits to schools, hospitals, and clinics.Theposition also mentioned assisting in the year-long preparation for theSunsAnnualGalaand coordinating theIcetheBulliesoutreach.Perfect.
Kimreached for her phone to callLaurenbut quickly changed her mind.Applyon your own merits, not becauseLaurenandCarynhave the retainer with theSuns—or becauseDave’syour brother.Sheflagged that internship for quick follow-up.
Excitementswelled when she saw a listing forFCU’sSportsInformationDepartment.Theinternship would begin after college baseball’sNationalChampionship…Whatsummer tasks wouldIhandle?
Sheprinted a copy of both job descriptions and applications for the internships.Kimpreferred to draft responses offline, polish the wording, and then transfer them to the online applications.Shechuckled as she imaginedSpence’sreaction…he’d tease me about doing this by hand.Icould compose onPagesorWord, then copy-paste, but writing on paper helps me think.
Glancingat her watch,Kimrealized that two hours had passed.Hopethat means good news forSpence…Surelythe conference won’t penalize the entire school for the actions of a few?Wouldit?
Astaccato tapping onSpence'sdoor sliced through the air like an angry woodpecker. “Open.”
Toddleaned against the door frame. “Readyto head over to the field?”
Spencehesitated. "I'llmeet y'all there in a bit—just got some calls to make first."Heheld his friend's gaze, discouraging further questions.
“Okay, see you soon.”Toddslapped the door lightly as he turned to leave. “Openor shut?”
“Youcan leave it open.”
Spencewatched asToddandEricleft the apartment, then walked to the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the refrigerator.Heopened the bottle and paused before lifting it to his mouth.Skippractice?Whynot?Spentthe last five years focusing all my energy on the team…Whatdid that get us—disqualification from the tournament and a shadow cast over our characters?Guiltby association.Greatway to start my pro career.IfIget drafted.
Spencedrained the beer and tossed the bottle into the recycling bin.Hesnagged the six-pack and returned to his room.Hehesitated a minute.Misspractice?Willthat hurt the team?Disappointmy coach?DoIeven care now?Everythingwe’ve done to get the chance to play for the national title.Doesit matter anymore?
Asafternoon transitioned to evening,Kimfought the urge to callSpence.Whyhasn’t he called—did something else come up?Didthe conference make a decision?Whatif…
Sheshook her head.Don’tspeculate.Patience,Martin.Kimsat at the table to eat half her sandwich and started a checklist of things she needed to do.
Fillout and submit the internship applications.References?