Page 111 of Winning Play

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Page 111 of Winning Play

Excitementbubbled in her chest as she answered, “I'dlove that!Feelslike forever sinceI'veseen you."

“Giveme five minutes,"Davesaid. "Trafficseems light so far.”

“Seeyou in a few.”Hermood brightened,Kimquickly traded her business casual outfit for shorts and aT-shirt, then sprinted down the stairs and headed for the pick-up zone.Shejumped intoDave’scar before it came to a complete stop.Sheaimed an apologetic smile toward her brother and reached to hug him.

"It’sgood to see you,”Davesaid as he enveloped her in a warm hug.

“Itfeels like ages since spring break,”Kimsaid, reluctantly pulling away. “Yourinvitation came at exactly the right moment.”

“I’mgladIcalled, then.Everythingokay?”Hischocolate-brown eyes held hers untilKimblinked.Kimcleared her throat, wishing the knots in her stomach would vanish.

“Oh,I’mgood.Justoverthinking things, per usual.End-of-semester push… finding an internship, typical me stuff.”

"Don'tstress,Kimmy.You'reentering a no-overthinking zone effective right now.Okay?”

“Soundslike a plan.”Shesettled in her seat and pulled the seatbelt across her lap. “Thanksfor this,Dave,” she whispered.

Agrin spread acrossDave'sface as he nodded slowly before pressing the button to start his car. “Anythingfor my favorite sister.”

Laurenprepared a picnic-style lunch to eat while they watched theFCU-Tallahasseegame.

“Gotyour scorebook,Kimmy?”Davesaid as theStormSurgetook the field for warm-ups.

Shegroaned. “Ileft my bag at the dorm…”Shefelt her pocket. “Alongwith my phone,Iguess.Ijust grabbed my key card and left.”Shelaughed. “AllIthought about was seeing you guys!”

“I’llget a notebook,”Laurenoffered, andKimsawDavetrying to conceal a smirk.

“Ms. uber-planner out of sorts today?”

Kimpicked up a chip and tossed it toward him.Davecaught it and winked as he popped it into his mouth.

“Lotsgoing on,” she deferred. “Completingsemester projects, applying for my summer internship…Iregister for fall classes next week.”

“Didyou decide where to apply?”Laurenasked when she returned, notebook, pencils, and pen in hand. “Willthese work?”

“Perfect.Thanks,”Kimreplied with a grin. “I’vegot several internshipsI’msubmitting applications for—the more placesIapply, the better chance for an interview.”

“You’llhave no problems.Rememberto useCarynand me as references,”Laurensaid as she sat besideDaveon the sofa.

Kimreached for a sandwich. “Thanks,Lauren.You’vehelped so much with my independent case study.Believeme,Idreaded all the assigned case studies until now.Real-world examples make all the difference—in an area of interest, of course!”

“Kim, do you want me to enter the line-ups?”Daveoffered.

Kimnodded and handed the notebook and pencil to her brother. “Thanks.”Sheglanced atLauren. “Howoften do you get crisis phone calls from a player?Organization?”

“Moreoften than we’d like.Wefocus more and more on preemptive education.TheSunsinvite us to conduct a session every training camp, especially for the new players—no matter if they’re veterans or new draft picks.Wego over the basics—discretion in posting anything personal, security settings, and requiring approval before anything’s posted to your feed.Youknow, the usual.Wehave a couple of veteran players who, if necessary, describe their own social media nightmares.”

Kimwatched asLaurenturned towardDave. “Yourwonderful brother helps whenever he’s needed.”

DavemetLauren’seyes with a hint of a smile. “We’vehad a few guys who got caught by surprise and learned the hard way to watch what they post about personal lives.Andit’s not always due to something they did.Lotsof drama on the internet if you go looking for it.”Heshifted his glance toKim. “Spencehas an injury?He’snot in the lineup.”

“NotthatIknow.Hewas okay yesterday—Imean physically okay.”

Daveraised an eyebrow. “Everythingall right?Sawhim briefly at theCenterIceLounge… looked like he had a meeting with the coaches…”

“Youguys probably know more thanIdo,”Kimsighed. “He’sgot a lot going on right now.”Shebit her lip, hoping to stop the flood of emotions that threatened her.

Davepatted the seat beside him. “Talkto me,Kim.”

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