Page 114 of Winning Play

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Page 114 of Winning Play

“Yeah, you were right—Iblew it.I’mno better than her ex…Shethinks it’s a bad idea to get together, go out to dinner—not even as friends.”

“Shedoesn’t want to see you?”

“Notuntil the season’s over.”Spenceleaned back and shut his eyes. “Inever should have askedKimto ‘pause’ our relationship.Whata clusterfuck.”Herubbed his face.

“Maybeif you go to her dorm—talk with her in person?”

“JustlikeFuckleberrytried?Can’tdo that.”Spenceshook his head. “IfIcould turn back time…I’d…”Heshook his head, unable to continue.

Toddinterrupted. “Whatprompted you to get your head out of your ass?”

“ThewayIacted after we met with theAD…. skipping practice… getting benched.Massivewake-up call.Ibelieved we would get to theNationalChampionshipifIput everything on hold.Idioticidea…Ishould have followed your example.Youdidn’t askBarbfor a break.”Spencepaused and took a deep breath. “Youdealt with all of this like an adult, a pro.Ididn’t help the team.Andin the end, nothing affected the conference’s recommendation.”Spenceturned his head and gazed out the window. “Probablyscrewed up the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

“Whenthe time’s right, tell her how you feel,”Toddadvised in a quiet voice. “Andbe prepared to grovel.”

Theweeks crept by asSpencehonoredKim’swishes by not seeking her out on campus.Notthat it mattered—Kimhad managed to become invisible, at least to him.Athome games,Kimsat in her usual seat but did not seek eye contact with him.SometimesDave,Lauren, orCassiesat beside her—DaveacknowledgedSpencewhen he caught his eyes but made no effort to speak to him.Doeshe know we’re no longer together?Hehasn’t confronted me.Thoughnot hard to imagineKimsaying she broke things off, neglecting to mention the roleIplayed.That’smore thanIdeserve.

TheStormSurgecontinued to win and clung to the hope that they would participate in the national tournament ifFCUwon the conference.Sincehe had worked ahead on assignments,Spencehad ample free time to prepare for exams—his only academic responsibilities besides attending classes.

Spencescheduled extra time on the field and in the batting cage, and he worked with the trainer to add additional cardio and weight-training goals.Anythingto keep his mind offKim.Notthat it helps… obvious just how big a part of my life she’s claimed.Studyingtogether, going to hockey games, discussing sports, and sharing our hopes for the future.Theache in his chest constantly reminded him of the mistake he’d made.

ToddandEricguiltedSpenceinto joining them off campus for a meal atTony’sPizzaandWings. “You’vegot to get away from here,”Ericsaid. “Foodcourt meals twenty-four-seven can’t keep you healthy, man.”

Spencelaughed. “Pizza’sa better alternative?”

“Sometimes,”Toddreplied.Theychose a table in the back of the small dining area, and thenEricstepped to the counter to order drinks.ToddmetSpence’seyes. “You’vegot to get out of this funk,County.”

Spencescowled at him. “Funk?Playingthe best baseball of my career, acing my classes.Thatspells ‘funk’ to you?”

“Notwhen you’re acting like a freaking robot.Where’sthe passion?Theanticipation?Theexhilaration after a win?”

Ericset a pitcher of beer in the middle of the table before filling glasses for all.Spenceraised an eyebrow whenErichanded him a mug.

“Isn’tthis what started the chain reaction?”

“Youplanning on getting wasted?Nothingwrong with enjoying a beer once in a while.”Ericdrank from his mug. “C’mon,Spence, we need our captain back.Goingthrough the motions won’t get us the conference championship—no matter how many homers you hit.”

“I’mnot the captain.Theteam picked you andTodd.”Spencetook a sip of his beer and shrugged.

“Onlybecause you said you wouldn’t accept it,”Toddretorted, his eyes flashing in irritation.

“DoingeverythingIcan.”Heshrugged. “Begrateful.Itend to fuck things up these days.”

SpencewatchedToddandEricexchange glances, thenToddglanced overSpence’sshoulder and raised his chin in acknowledgment.DaveMartinslid into the chair besideSpence.

“What?Thisa freaking intervention?”Spence’sface reddened with annoyance as he lasered a look at his teammates.

“Iasked them to arrange a meet-up,”Davesaid quietly.

Spenceangled a glance toward him. “Ifyou’re here to take me behind the gym, let’s go.Ideserve it.”

Daveraised an eyebrow. “Hadn’tthought about that… but it could be arranged if you don’t start putting your heart into the game again.”

Spenceshook his head as he absorbed the words. “What?Myplay’s flawless sinceIgot benched.”

Davenodded. “Sure, you’ve got exceptional natural talent.Somuch that you can play at a high level when it’s obvious you don’t care about the game.”Heheld up his hand whenSpencestarted to respond. “Watchedyou play all season,Spencer.You’vegot a…presence...on the field.Youinspire the team to compete at a higher level.That’swhat makes scouts take a second or third look.I’veseen it in hockey… a guy comes in and… elevates the team.You’vegot that gift.Whatever’smessing with your mind, figure it out.Don’twaste the gift.”

Daveslapped his arm as he stood. “Walkwith me.”Hishand grippedSpence’sshoulder as he guided him to the door.Onceoutside, they walked a few yards away from the entrance. “Whatever’sgoing on between you and my sister, work it out.She’ssliding back into her shell.IfIdidn’t know better,I’dthink that asshatHendrickswas back in town.”

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