Page 126 of Winning Play
FCU’sJoshMatthewsrented a private space in the hotel to host a dinner for the new draftees and their families.Afterdealing with the frenetic media appearances, interviews, and initial meetings with the front office staff,Spenceappreciated the thoughtful gesture.
Thethree teammates had not had the chance to celebrate together without cameras or microphones invading their space.Kimstepped aside withBarbandJeanineto compare their experiences.
“Canyou believeToddandSpencewill play for theGulls?”Barbasked.Kimsmiled, thinkingBarb’seyes looked a bit starstruck.
“AndEricinMiami,” she added, nodding toJeanine, who beamed with pride.
“Gladhe’ll be nearby sinceIwon’t graduate until nextJune,”Jeaninesaid, andBarbnodded in agreement.
“Haven’thad a chance to look up all the team’s minor league locations,”Kimcommented, andBarbgiggled.
“Oh, they’ll all play in the majors next season.”
“Justputting the thought out there.”
Spencerested his arm across the back ofKim’schair as the group lingered over dessert and coffee. “Perfectway to decompress,” he said, leaning close to her ear.
Kimnodded, meeting his eyes. “Hopeyou three felt all the love and support in the room.IwishI’drecordedCoachRamirez’stoast—so moving.Didyou see your mom’s eyes?Yourparents looked so proud.”
“Yeah,Ithink they are,”Spencechuckled.They’dleft just a few minutes ago, and other guests were beginning to stand and chat in small groups. “Youabout ready to head out?”
“Wheneveryou wish,Mr.Spencer.”Hecaught the gleam in her eyes and leaned to kiss her.
“I’mready for some private time,Popcorn.”Heoffered his hand and slipped his arm around her waist as they thanked their hosts and said goodbye to the guests.KimcalledDaveto check in, and he said they would be back in a couple of hours.
Spencepulled her against his side as they waited for an elevator. “Yougot the elevator key?”Hesmirked whenKimshot him a look, then flashed an apologetic smile. “So… just you and me… alone in the suite?”
“Yep.”Sheleaned in for his hug. “Howabout a snuggle and a nap?”
“Whatevermy girl wants.”
Whenthey entered the suite,Kim’seyes widened in surprise.Lightsdimmed, soft music played, and a plate of chocolate-covered strawberries and glasses and a bottle of champagne decorated a table in the living area.
“Wheredid this come from?”Shelooked atSpence, who shrugged and walked to pick up the card.Hechuckled and handed it toKim.
“Alittle congratulations from your brother andLauren.”Hetouched her chin and guided her lips toward his. “Makethis a memorable evening.”Hewinked before his lips met hers. “Younoticed he said they’d call before they return?”
Kimfelt her cheeks redden, but her arms slipped around his neck. “Givingus permission?” she whispered, returning his kiss and pressing against him.Sheclosed her eyes, and his hands stroked the skin left bare by the sleeveless dress.
“That’syour call,Popcorn.”Heplanted soft kisses on her neck, then pulled away reluctantly. “Sharea strawberry and champagne with me?”
Shereached to loosen his tie, then pushed the jacket from his shoulders. “Makeyourself comfortable.”Sheslipped away from his arms. “I’llbe right back.”
WhenKimemerged from her bedroom a few minutes later,Spencebit back a chuckle.She’dsomehow obtained aGullsjersey and baseball cap and looked adorable as she walked toward him.Sheturned and showed him the back of the jersey.
“Wheredid you get that?” he asked when he saw his name and number.
“Mysecret,” she said, taking his hand and leading him to the sofa. “I’mready to celebrate.”Shesat and tucked her feet under her as she beamed a smile at him.
Spenceleaned to kiss her before reaching for the champagne.Hegrasped the bottle, paused, and returned it to the table.
“Ineed to tell you about something.”Hesat beside her and brushed his hand against her cheek. “Youlook so sexy in that jersey,Popcorn…”Heshook his head and began again. “Idon’t know what happens afterIsign the contract, babe.Icould get assigned to a team inTimbuktu, a rookie league, whatever.”
“Wetalked about that,Spence.Iknow how that works.You’llgo wherever the team wants you to start your career… andI’llsupport you every step of the way.”Sheleaned to kiss him.
“Iknow you will,Kim.So,Idid something this week…”Hewatched as she cocked her head. “Davehelped me set up aFaceTimewith your parents and also with your brother.”