Page 15 of Winning Play

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Page 15 of Winning Play

Gratefulfor the change of subject,Kimnodded. “Ofcourse.Getthe supplies, all your class assignments, and your team calendar.Ican help you this weekend.”

“You’rea peach.”Spenceexaggerated theSoutherninflection, but he flashed a sincere smile. “Hey,Idropped by to invite you to our inter-squad game tonight.Coachdivides us into two teams, and we play six innings.Wedo it mostly to get the dust off our gloves after the holidays.”

“When’sthe game?”

“Seven.Youknow how to find the field?”

“Ofcourse—Ihad the best tour guide ever.”Kimsmiled and nodded toward the table. “Sharelunch with me?”

“Thanks, butIhave a team meeting in…”Spenceglanced at his watch, “fifteen minutes.”

“Don’tbe late on my account.”Kimwalked him to the door. “I’msorry you had to listen to my disagreement with my mom.”

Spenceturned to meet her eyes before opening the door. “Itold youIdidn’t pay attention.Seeyou later,Popcorn.”

Spencefocused on the team’s goals whenever he entered the locker room or stepped onto the field.Sure, it’s just an inter-squad match, butCoachlooks at our readiness to play.Luckyto get some time in the batting cage over the holidays… also feel pretty good on the field.However, the gameplay is unpredictable.Wewant that championship trophy this year.Needto focus my energy on making that happen.

Spenceselected a playlist and leaned back against the wall when he inserted the earbuds.Heenvisioned the upcoming game, imagining fielding ground balls, diving for line drives, making over-the-back catches running toward the outfield, and turning a double play.Theother squad’s starting pitcher, a junior transfer, was new to the team.Juststay patient and don’t jump on the first ball.Mybiggest weakness.Knowingthat doesn’t translate to actions during a game.Thosefirst pitches look as big as a full moon as they approach the plate, then drop like a rock just asIcommit to swinging.Curveballs and changeups often result in my bat connecting with air.Fastballs, no problem…

Spenceclosed his eyes and meditated on patience.Heconcentrated on slow, steady, deep breaths while picturing ball after ball approaching the plate.Hesearched for the moment just before the ball dipped to make a split-second decision to take or swing.Spencestudied each pitcher, looking for the slightest sign that could signal a specific pitch.Didthe pitcher shift his stance or hold the ball in the glove differently?Didhe touch the bill of his cap before throwing a particular pitch?

Aglove slapping against his arm startledSpencefrom his thoughts.Toddmotioned for him to head for the field.Spencedropped his earbuds and phone into his locker, grabbed his glove, and followed the team onto the field.Hissquad, the home team, headed to the first base dugout and took the field after last-minute instructions fromAssistantCoachPeteDavis.

Kimstopped by the university’s spirit store on her way to the game.Needto rep my new school and cheer for my first friend.Thethought caused her to smile.Afriend who’s a male—refreshing.Spencehas shown nothing but a friendly interest so far.Sheselected a baseball cap with the team’s logo… an enormous wave eclipsing theFCUinitials.Cute.StormSurge.Shesaw severalT-shirts to buy another time since she didn’t want to carry a package to the game.

Shepulled her ponytail through the back of the cap as she donned it, then checked her reflection in a window on the way to the field.Asurprising number of students filed into the stands for an inter-squad game.Kimfollowed the crowd, then paused as she decided where to sit.Don’teven know what positionSpenceplays—did he mention it?

Behindhome plate, the obvious choice would give her a good view of the entire field.Beforeturning pro, her brotherJakeplayed left field but had rotated among all the positions except catcher.He’ddreamed of pitching but discovered his talent lay in left field.Kimhad often watched him throw strikes from deep left field, shutting runners down at the plate.

Shelooked around for a program and scorecard, then remembered the season hadn’t started.Sheenjoyed keeping score and had even served as an emergency official scorer on occasion whenJakeplayed for his travel team.AtleastIcan discuss baseball intelligently.

Climbingseveral steps to a row behind home plate,Kimperched on the wooden seat.Moststudents carried portable cushions or seats, andKimrealized why as soon as she sat.Shefelt the heat through her jeans.Yikes, that’s hot!Andit’s justJanuary.GladIdidn’t change into shorts.Remember,I’mnot inVancouver—add a seat cushion to my shopping list.

Withouta program,Kimpulled a small notebook from her bag and jotted down the number, name, if she caught it, and position as both teams’ lineups were announced.Atfirst, she didn’t recognizeSpence, with his thick hair stuffed inside his cap.Whenhe caught her eye by the batting cage and pointed his bat toward her, she raised her hand to greet him with a smile.Shedismissed the tiny flutter in her heart when she wrote his jersey number seven on her notepad.

Don’teven go there… you have no business even thinking about him, no matter how irresistible you findSpence’ssmile.Notuntil you rediscover the person you were beforeFinn.Figureout why you allowed him to treat you so disrespectfully.

Was“undergradKim” too naïve, clueless, and eager to have a boyfriend?Whydid she ignore her suspicions that their relationship was “off?”Whydid she stay with him after knowing he didn’t respect or care if he hurt her?Booksmart, socially illiterate.

Spencemay appear as the perfect guy of her dreams, butKimknew she had to work on her self-esteem before considering a new relationship.IfSpenceeven looked at her that way.


AfterSpencespottedKimbehind home plate, he quickly shifted into game focus.Baseballrequired his complete concentration, even in a split-squad game that had no bearing on the upcoming season.Evenmore so asSpenceapproached his last season of eligibility.Thedream of playing in the majors hinged on his ability to take his game to the next level… and still higher.

Whenfreshman pitcherIvanWestgatecompleted his warm-up throws,Spenceshouted words of encouragement, echoed by the other infielders.Hewanted the kid to pitch well and could see the nerves asWestgatetook a few deep breaths before looking to catcherToddAndersonfor the sign.

Thefirst batter walked on five pitches, thenWestgategot behind two-and-oh on the following hitter.

“Wegot ya’,”Spenceencouraged. “Lethim hit it.Doubleplay, guys.”

Therunner at first,PedroCastille, danced away from the bag, prompting a couple of throws to first basemanTimCarlson.Althoughnew to the team,Castillebrought his reputation as a savvy base stealer.Spenceshifted toward second base to guard against a steal but still field his position.Hefocused onAndersonin case he signaled for a pitch out.

“Yougot it,Westie!”Heheard third basemanRickCarsonencourage the pitcher.Westgateglanced at the runner, then nodded as the catcher changed the sign.Yeah, here comes the pitch out.Caughtbetween first and second,Castilledarted back and forth, trying to avoid the tag.Ashe andCarlsonclosed the gap between them,Castillestopped as he threw his arms up in surrender.Spencebit back a smile as he applied the tag.

“Betterluck next time,Castie.”Spencetapped his shoulder asCastilleheaded to the bench.

Spence’steam, asKimhad tagged the group, took a commanding lead into the final inning for the win.Shewaited in the grassy common area outside the stadium to congratulate him.Glancingat the improvised scorecard she created in her notebook,Kimwondered ifSpencefelt that he’d played a good game.Three-for-four at the plate, a diving catch in shallow left center, and turned a double play.Theinfield performed as an experienced unit.Agroup that’s played together for a while?Goodthing, too, sinceSpence’steam’s pitchers seemed inexperienced and nervous.Theother squad had experienced pitchers but not-so-fluid fielders.Interestingdynamic.

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