Page 23 of Winning Play

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Page 23 of Winning Play

“Thanks;Itook a couple of ibuprofen.Iknow why my head hurts, but that doesn’t help stop it.”

“Thephone call?”Lauren’svoice conveyed her empathy.

“Ishouldn’t let it get to me, but…”Kimshook her head as she fought the sudden tears.

“Honey,I’mso sorry that happened.Iknow what it’s like to have someone drive you crazy three thousand-some miles away.”


“Yep.Itruly believe your mother doesn’t realize how much you don’t want to talk to your ex.”

“Sherefuses to believe it’s over; thinksI’llchange my mind.”

“Itmust hurt that your mom doesn’t trust your decision and tries to push you back together.”Shepaused a moment. “YouknowDavewill talk to her if you wish?”

“Iknow.Idon’t want him in the middle.Finnwill back off, andMomwill move on.OrsoIhope.”

Lauren’slips quirked in a wry smile. “Youknow my sisterAmandahated thatIfell in love withDave.Theopposite situation, butIget your frustration.”

“Iguess we’ll never know why parents react the way they do until we experience it ourselves.”Kimshook her head with a wry smile. “Idon’t plan to find out any time soon.”

“Tryto shove all that happened inVancouverout of your mind.Enjoyyour new friends, grad school, and living close to the best older brother in the universe.We’reecstatic to have you inTampa.”Laurenpaused a moment. “Kim, whenDaveandIbegan our committed relationship,IavoidedAmanda—didn’t tell her becauseIknew she would disapprove.Iwaited too long.Imade a lot of mistakes…I’mnot trying to tell you what to do; think about calling her first instead of waiting for your mom to initiate contact.Iknow how much she loves you—don’t let some jerk of an ex come between you.”

Lauren’simpulsive hug liftedKim’smood, and she nodded. “You’reright.I’llstart calling her.Maybenot today, butIwill soon.Thanksfor listening to my whining.”

“Whining?Hardly.Wouldyou like to relax in our plunge pool?Mayhelp your headache.”

“Thanks,Lauren.I’mokay.”Kimflicked a dab of moisture from under her eyes. “I’lldouble-check thatI’vepacked everything.IfIcan ride with y’all to the arena,I’lltake anUberto campus.”

“No, we’ll take you to your dorm.Iplanned to drive today, anyway.”LaurensqueezedKim’shand. “Noarguments—it’s not out of the way.”


Spenceordered dinner in the student center and glanced around for an empty table.Unusuallycrowded for aSundayafternoon, few tables remained.Toddcaught his eyes and nodded toward several empty spaces at a group of tables on the far side of the room.HeandEricsat with several teammates and a group of womenSpencerecognized from classes and activities on campus.

“Emergingfrom your study marathon?”Toddgreeted him with a grin, then continued without waiting for a response. “BarbandIjust got back from the beach.”Heslipped his arm around the stunning brunette seated close to him.

Spenceset his tray on the table opposite them. “Hi,Barb.Havefun at the beach?”

“Wemissed you,”Barbsaid as she leaned againstTodd. “Weneeded you on the volleyball team.”

“Umm, no, you didn’t,”Spencereplied. “Isuck at volleyball.”

“Hedoes,”Toddsnickered. “Forall his talent on the ball diamond, he has absolutely no volleyball skills.”

“Butyou’d look wicked good playing beach volleyball—even if you miss every serve.”Afamiliar female voice joined the conversation as a soft hand massaged the back of his neck.

Spenceturned to look at a girl he’d dated off and on during the previous semester.

“Hi,Jeanine… thanks for the compliment?”

Sheslipped her hand onto his shoulder. “Wherehave you been hiding?Ihaven’t seen you all semester.”

“Nothiding, just busy.”Spencehoped his smile didn’t appear as awkward as he felt. “Oncethe season starts, my free time’s limited.I’mtrying to work ahead.”

“Youknow the saying,Spence,”Jeanineteased. “Allwork and no play…”

“Yeah,Iget it.Rightnow,Spenceisthe dull guy.Sorry.”Spence’slips twitched, trying to suppress a grin.Besides,Kimadds all the excitementIneed during our study sessions.

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