Page 34 of Winning Play
“Carefulwhere you call her ‘coach.’Ramirezmight not like that,”Toddsaid in a low voice as they entered the sports complex and clapped a hand onSpence’sshoulder. “Makeyour move before someone else does.”
“Don’tthink she’s interested in a relationship right now.”Spenceled the way into the cardio room.Hegrabbed a towel and headed to a treadmill near the back of the room.SaturdaysandSundayswere open facility days—no team-scheduled workouts, and individuals could come and work out any time.Heexchanged greetings with the facility’s equipment manager before pullingAirPodsfrom his pocket and starting one of his running playlists.Heselected a challenging route with several steep climbs.
Forthe next hour,Spenceretreated into his mind as he pounded out the miles on the virtual road, barely registering the programmed changes in resistance or the varying speeds during the workout.Histhoughts centered on the season opener approaching rapidly.Aftercoming so close to winning the championship, the team was hungry and determined to make a second run.
Spencelived for this time of year—not only college baseball’s opening day, but alsoMLBSpringTraining’supcoming start in the many sites aroundTampa.TheGrapefruitLeague… the dream of playing for a professional team.Needto stay focused on getting the conference title, going to the tournament inJune, and bringing home theNationalChampionshipwith theSurge.
Onhis way back to his dorm,Spenceglanced at his phone to review the email collected in his inbox.Mostlyjunk, but a message from his mother caught his attention.Hetapped the screen and skimmed it.Disappointmentpinged when his parents said they could not coordinate work schedules to attend his last opening day as a college athlete.Buthe knew they’d see a few games this season.
“Hey, stranger!”
Spenceheard the voice and flashed a smile when he turned to seeJeaninewaving as she jogged toward him.
“Wherehave you been hiding?”Jeanineradiated happiness when she reachedSpence’sside.
“Inplain sight,Iguess.How’syour semester going?” he asked.
Jeanineshrugged as she wrinkled her nose. “Ihave a light schedule, soIhave more free time than usual.Ihoped you’d have some time to hang out.”
“I’msorry,Jeanine, my schedule is beyond packed.Itook an extra course, and once the season starts,IdoubtI’llhave any free time.”
“Why’dyou do that during the season?Wasn’tlast year hectic enough without picking up another class?”
Spence’ssheepish smile spread across his face as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Itsounded good at the time?”
Jeaninelaughed and hooked her arm around his. “Well, at least join us off campus for dinner tomorrow.Weare going to the newTex-Mexrestaurant over onWaterStreet.”
“Fancy,” he commented with a smile. “Ihave plans later tomorrow afternoon—I’mgoing to theSunsgame.”
“ToddandEricare coming to dinner with us.Areyou going alone?”Jeanine’sblue eyes reflected sympathy. “I’llgo with you!”
Spencechuckled. “I’maccompanying a friend whose brother plays for theSuns.
“Impressive,” she replied. “AnyoneIknow?”
“Idon’t think so.”Spencecaught her disappointed expression. “Newstudent who just started her grad program here.KimMartin?”
Sheshook her head. “Nope, butIdon’t cross paths with many grad students.”Shegiggled and continued in a teasing voice. “Sothat’s why you no longer hang out with us?You’veupgraded to grad students!”
“Nah, it’s not like that.We’refriends who have heavy workloads this semester.Studybuddies,” he said.
“Withbenefits like free hockey tickets?”Jeaninereleased his arm and patted his shoulder. “Hardto compete with that.”Hertone teased him, butSpencedetected disappointment in her eyes.
Hetouched her arm, andTodd’swords echoed in his brain. “It’snot like that,Jeanine.Iknew this semester would be much tougher academically—less free time to hang out.IthinkImentioned that.”
“Spence,Iremember.”Sheshrugged off his hand. “Ididn’t think you meant that literally.Mymistake.”
“We’llsee each other,Jeanine.Rememberthe after-game celebrations last year?”Spencetried to find the correct words. “Hopefully, we’ll have many more celebrations,” he added with a smile.
“Nota problem,Spence.”Herflippant voice pokedSpence’sconscience. “I’llsee you around.”
“Jeanine,I’msorry if...”
“Don’tgive it a second thought.”Shecut him off. “I’llcatch up with you later.”Jeanineturned and walked away, leavingSpenceto question his words and actions when they dated.They’dnever defined their relationship; they just went out occasionally.Convenientdates for her sorority functions and his team parties.Friendswith loosely defined benefits.Heliked her, andJeaninewas fun to hang around.Buthe never thought of her as more than a friend.Now, he realized she may have expected more and felt a pang of guilt.Hopeshe accepts my apology and understands it was not intentional.Misread—misplayed—that totally.
Ahand smacked his shoulder, andSpenceturned to seeTodd. “Youtalked withJeanine.”
“Yep.Hopethis doesn’t make things awkward for everyone.Ithought we were on the same page.”