Page 43 of Winning Play

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Page 43 of Winning Play

Spencequietly placed the tray on the table and sat across fromKim, hoping not to startle her.Shelooked adorable in deep concentration as she examined a page in her meticulous uber-planner.Aftera few moments, a sheepish smile crossed her face.

“Haveyou been sitting here long?”

Hepretended to consult his watch. “Oh, at least a minute, mmm… make that thirty seconds, tops.”Hewaited until she returned the planner to her bag, then distributed the plates, utensils, and drinks. “CanIask you a question?”

“Sure, what’s up?”Kimsipped her orange juice while maintaining eye contact.

“Youcan tell me it’s none of my business—Iwon’t get offended.”

“Youwant to know aboutFinn?” she asked.

“Onlywhat you want to tell me.”

Herlips hinted at a smile. “Notmy best decision.”

“Didyou date long?”

“Abouteighteen months, butIwouldn’t call it ‘dating’ after the first few months.Wewere together, but we had little in common.”

Spencetook a bite of the veggie burrito. “Whatdo you mean by that?”

“Nothingin common?Idisliked fraternity parties—despise them.Hewas president of his frat, so he had those responsibilities.Hehad the same opinion about my intramural sports.”

“Butyou kept seeing each other?”

Now, it wasKim’sturn to concentrate on her meal. “Lookingback,Idon’t know why.Itsounds stupid.Andembarrassing.”Shemet his eyes briefly. “BeforeIwent to the university, everybody knew me asDaveandJake’slittle sister.Itdidn’t take long to realize that guys pretended they were interested in me because they wanted to go to the games and mingle with the players.Mybrothers probably knew whyIrarely dated the same guy for more than a few weeks, but they didn’t complain to their naïve little sister.”Shetook a long drink of juice and shrugged. “Yousure you want to hear this?”

“Asmuch as you choose to share.Kim,Isuspect those high school guys did want to be with you—you’re gorgeous, fun, smart.”

“Whatever… they lost interest quickly.”Kimdismissed his compliment. “WhenIenrolled at the university, nobody knew my brothers.Itwas like moving to a big city and starting over.Ihad a group of new friends—guys and girls.Wehung out together, played intramural sports, andIdidn’t care that none of the guys wanted to be more than friends.”

Spencewatched as her expression clouded. “Atthe end of the second year,ImetFinnin the student center.Hestarted flirting with me during lunch—just a random conversation.Iknew he wasn’t serious.Hetraveled in other circles as a fraternity president and student government.Nothingin common.”Hervoice trailed off, her eyes focused on something across the courtyard. “Whenhe asked me out,Ithought, ‘Sure, why not?’”Shelooked toward him, andSpencesaw sadness… regret… guilt? “WorstdecisionIever made.”


ShefeltSpence’shand on top of hers and heard his soft words. “Youdon’t need to tell me,Kim.It’snot my place to ask.”

“No… that’s okay.Ijust realizedIdon’t know why—we didn’t like the same things.WhydidIwaste my time and his?It’seasy to fool yourself into believing something exists and that things will work if you try harder.”Kimfelt her face flush and shifted her eyes away fromSpence.

Spencelistened intently asKimshared her story, trying to understand why she had stayed withFinnwhen they had little in common.Hecould see the sadness in her eyes, and a rush of sympathy gripped his heart.

"I'msorry you had to go through that,Popcorn," he said, squeezing her hand. "Butyou learned from that experience, right?"

Kimnodded, a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth. “Definitely.IrealizedIdon't need to be with someone because he acts interested in me.Iwant someone who shares my values and interests and makes me feel respected and an equal partner.”

Spencesqueezed her hand. “Youdeserve that,Kim.AndI'msure you'll find it."

Kimknew she blushed at his words, feeling the warmth spread through her body.Atthat moment, she realizedSpencelistened and never adopted a condescending tone whenever she spoke.

“Thanks,” she said softly. "Forbeing here for me, for letting me ramble.”

“Justone question—did he ever… get physical when you argued?”

Kim’seyes jerked to meet his, carefully forming her response. “He’s… manipulative.Igot caught up with the idea of having a boyfriend.Tookme too long to realize how muchIallowed him to influence whoIsaw and whatIdid.I’mnot proud of that.Ican’t believeIput up with him that long.”Shelooked aside. “Noone knows this,Spence.Notmy parents, especially not my brothers.”

“That’syour decision, babe.Irespect that.”Spence’seyes held hers, and she read the concern and empathy in his expression. “Iasked only because there’s something about him that bothers me.Trickingyour mother into calling you, following you toTampa, ambushing you on campus.”

Sheshrugged. “Ishould have expected that.Hedoesn’t think ‘No’ applies to him.”

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