Page 45 of Winning Play
“Guessthat depends on your definition of the word ‘together,’Popcorn,”Spencesaid. “DoIneed to ask his permission to date you?”
Kimshook her head as laughter bubbled up from her throat. “Hardly.Shouldwe tell them we’re ‘fake’ dating?”
“Willhe act differently if we do?”
“Hewon’t tell you what he’ll do if you disrespect me.”Kimsmothered her laugh with her palm.
“Then, no.Ineed the full, over-the-top, protective big brother to make this believable.Justin case.”
Kimcut her eyes to the side and caughtSpence’ssomber expression. “Justin case… he’s still around?”
Spenceran a hand through his hair and pulled her against his side. “Yes,FuckleberryFinn.”Spence’swords were laced with disdain, andKimgiggled.
“Ilike that.Appropriate.”
“Ifhe’s stupid enough to come around,Iwant your brother in my corner.Besides, if we tell anyone we’re faking a relationship, it won’t take long for that to get out and defeat the purpose.”Spenceheld her gaze, a smile quirking the corners of his mouth.
Spence’sexpression caused her heart to swell.Fake-datingSpence?Maybenot so fake on my part…ButIcan’t let him know with the ghost ofFinnhanging over us.Keepit light,Kim… think about how he makes you smile, not the way he makes you feel… in your dreams.
Twoweeks later,Kimstood by the pick-up zone, waiting for her brother’sSUV.SinceSpencehad an afternoon practice, he agreed to driveLauren’scar and meet them at theCenterIceLounge.Shewaved when they turned into the driveway and opened the back door before the car stopped.
“Careful,Kimmy,”Davechided her, but he winked as he greeted her. “It’sgood to see you.”
“Youboth look completely blissed out,”Kimsaid when she climbed into the backseat. “Musthave been quite the week.”
“Aperfect destination,”Laurensaid with a sigh. “Ihope you can enjoy it sometime.Waituntil you see the photos.”Laurenflipped through photos on her phone and then handed it toKim. “Myfavorite.”
Kimtook the phone and examined the photo of a modern villa surrounded by dense foliage, a river flowing lazily off to one side, and bright birds she didn’t recognize perched on a privacy fence. “Soyou were in a rainforest, not at the beach?”
“Both.That’sour villa.Ourshad the river and jungle views, but others had ocean views.”Laurenencouraged her to swipe the screen to reveal more pictures. “Iloved all the different birds—you wouldn’t believe the size of the iguanas.Wecaught glimpses of spider monkeys.”
Davelaughed. “Theconcierge warned us not to leave the door open—the monkeys tend to help themselves to anything they want.”
“Nophotos of monkeys?”Kimasked.
Laurenshook her head. “Toofast for me to grab my phone.”
Daveadded, “Thebest part was the peaceful atmosphere, the quiet, relaxed vibe.Justbeautiful.Ifyou want to go there with a friend—maybe over spring break—my treat.”
“Thatsounds wonderful,”Kimsaid. “ButI’llneed to work on assignments over spring break.”Sheleaned back in the seat and looked at the river outside the window. “Icannot imagine anywhere more beautiful than right here.”
“Takeaway the traffic and high-rise buildings, andIagree with you,”Davesaid. “Thehouse looked great,Kimmy.Thanksfor taking care of it.”
“Thatwas nothing, honestly.Spencedrove your car,Lauren, and helped me keep your feeders full of fresh food.”
“Howis our friendSpence?”Laurenasked, her eyes shining with mischief as she turned in the seat to look atKim.
Kimfelt the heat rise to her cheeks. “He’sgood… great.We’rebusy with that volleyball tournament his team’s coordinating.DidItell you the committee chose theSuns’IcetheBulliesprogram to receive the money raised?”
Lauren’sface reflected her pleasure. “That’swonderful.We’lldonate—get us the details.”
“Ican manage that.Maybeyou can watch a couple of games?”
Daveparked in the lot for theCenterIceLoungebefore turning to look at her. “Youplaying in the tournament,HalfPint?”
“Yes,Spencepersuaded me to sign up for his team.”
“Doeshe know you’re a ringer?”Davelaughed, then added, “We’llwatch that match if we can.”