Page 50 of Winning Play
Kimraised her eyebrows in question but didn’t respond.
“Hetold me you two were just friends, and then this week,Iheard you were dating.Ithought you should know.Don’tget too attached—Spencehas a short attention span.”Jeanineflashed a weak, sympathetic smile as she stood. “Girlsneed to look out for each other, don’t we?Ithought you should know what’s going on.”Shewalked away, then turned her head with a smile. “Seeyou at the volleyball tournament.”
Kimshook her head as she looked at the now-empty seat beside her.Weird.Spencenever mentioned anything about having just ended his own “relationship.”Noteven whenIovershared aboutFinn.IhopeI’mnot the cause of a breakup—especially since we’re just friends, right?
Kimstood near the stadium and looked through her notes in the scorebook while waiting forSpence.Theteam logged an impressive win for its first game.EricMarsdenthrew five no-hit innings in his season debut, andSpencerprovided early firepower with a first-inning three-run homer.Toddcut down two runners attempting to steal second, and the new players seemed to gain confidence as the game progressed.
Thinkingabout the conversation betweenSpenceandDaveon her first day on campus,Kimsmiled—the perfect way to begin the journey to the championship.
Shesqueaked when someone wrapped his arms around her and spun her in a circle. “See,Itold you—you’re our good luck charm.”Whenhe set her on her feet,SpenceturnedKimtoward him and planted a sweet kiss on her lips. “Thanks,Popcorn.”
“Youguys don’t need a good luck charm—the team looks solid, top to bottom.”
Spencelooked directly into her eyes. “Didyou add any stars in the scorebook?”
Kimgrinned. “Imay have.”ShesawSpenceglance at the scorebook, his eyes sparkling.Beforehe could grab it, she slipped it into her bag and looped her arm through his. “Headingto a team celebration?”
“Nope.Remember, the tournament meeting’s at seven?”
“Youcould miss this one.I’llcover for you.”
“No—we’ll celebrate after the tournament, babe.Wehave a team breakfast tomorrow.”
Kimstarted to respond but closed her mouth when she sawJeaninewalking withEricMarsden.Spencefollowed her glance.
“Howabout that?Marsgot himself a girlfriend.”Helaughed softly.
“Youknow her?”Kimsaw the surprise inSpence’seyes.
“Sheintroduced herself before the game.”
Hequirked an eyebrow. “Interesting.Shetell you we spent time together last semester?”
“Oh, she may have mentioned it.”Kimbatted her eyelashes at him with a grin. “Youheartbreaker.”
“DoIwant to know what she said?”Hebarely suppressed the groan.Heslipped his arm around her back. “Let’swalk.Wecan grab a sandwich before the meeting.”
Kimleaned her head against his shoulder. “Didyou break things off with her because you became my ‘boyfriend?’”
“What?No, not at all,Kim.Therewas nothing to break up.Sheand several sorority friends hung out with us fall semester.Toddstarted seeingBarb,Marssomeone else, soJeanineandIended up together.Nothingserious.Didshe say something different?”
Kimshrugged. “Moreimplied.Itdoesn’t matter,Spence.Iwant to make sureIdidn’t mess up things between you and her.”
“That’sa non-issue.Sheapproached me at the beginning of this semester, andIrepeated whatItold her inDecember.”Hestopped and laid his palm against her cheek. “Therewas nothing to mess up.”
Shecovered his hand with hers. "Ithink that she might have feelings for you."
"No, nothing like that.We'rejust friends."Hegripped her hand and nodded toward the student center. "Let'sget something to eat before the meeting.I'mbeyond hungry."
Kimsmiled. "Metoo.Let'sgo."
Thecommittee meeting ran longer thanSpenceexpected, but it made sense with the tournament just a week away—even though he’d hoped to complete at least one section for a semester-long project before crashing.
Hejerked whenKimpoked his side. “You’renot falling asleep?”Herbrown eyes teased him.