Page 56 of Winning Play
Kimwrinkled her nose atSpencebefore she twirled and sprinted toward the tent.Afterselling out yesterday, theSunssent over a larger supply of non-perishable items.ShesawJeaninechecking the boxes against her delivery receipt and walked to her side, not speaking untilJeaninelooked up.
“Doyou need any help?”Kimoffered. “That’sa huge delivery!”
“Ihave a group of volunteers to get this in place,”Jeaninesaid with a smile. “Iheard rumors that some of theSuns’ players and dance team might stop by.Thatwill attract even more people.”
“Ihope they spend a lot of money, then.Hollerif you need anything,Jeanine.Thanks!”Kimchecked her watch and took a minute to visit the other volunteers before heading back to the courts.Shejogged back toward the courts.Spencewaved her over and greeted her with a kiss on her cheek. “Justin time.Anyissues with concessions?”
“Undercontrol.TheSunssent maybe twice what they did yesterday—so generous.”KimtouchedSpence’sarm. “Readyfor the quarterfinal?”
“Areyouready,Kim?That’smore important.”Hepulled her in front of him and massaged her shoulders.Histouch caused goosebumps to erupt.HopeSpencedoesn’t notice.Holyguacamole, the way he makes me feel!
Spencecompleted the massage with a kiss. “Ilike this boyfriend gig,” he teased before sneaking another kiss.Kimfelt the heat on her cheeks when she heard the whistles and catcalls.Spenceran his fingers across her lips. “Don’tbe shy, babe.Iwant the entire campus to know we’re together.”
Kimburied her face against his chest and heard his chuckle as he closed his arms around her for a gentle hug.It’smake believe, girl.Don’tget carried away.
Whenthe whistle sounded to take the court,Kimpulled back and looked up at him with a shy smile. “Let’sgrab that trophy.”
Thenext hour passed in what felt like seconds.Theywere tied at two games, andSpenceencouraged everyone to hydrate before they started the next game.Kimdrank water and took a couple of bites from her energy bar.Herface felt warm but not sunburned.Shepicked up a cold towel from the cooler and wiped her face.Sheglanced at the spectators, wondering ifDaveandLaurenhad arrived.
“HaveItold you how happyIam that you guys decided to go with best-of-three-game matches?”
ShesawSpence’swink and a quick smile as she took the ball from the volunteer line judge and walked to her position.Shetook a deep breath when the referee blew the whistle to start the game.Asshe tossed the ball up, prepared to hit it, a voice in the crowd startled her.
Shefaltered, and her hand slipped against the ball, sending it weakly toward the net.Sheerluck pushed the ball over the net, but the other team pounced on it, spiking it against the turf amid the team.
Crap.Ilost my concentration.Thatvoice… sounded just like… no… no way it’sFinn…Achill ran up her spine, andKimresisted looking over her shoulder to scan the crowd.
“Youokay, babe?”Spencepassed close beside her as she rotated to her position.
“Sorry,Iblew that serve.”
“You’reallowed one,” he said, flashing the smile that chased any chills away.
Kimfocused on the game and dismissed the voice.Itcan’t beFinn—he’s back inVancouver…Right?
Thequarterfinal game was close, the score tied at fourteen whenKimserved again.Shetook a deep breath, determined to put her energy into the serve.Theball sailed through the air, andKimthought she heard the voice again.
Concentrate,Martin!Sherushed to pop the ball towardPedro.Castillehad embraced his role as a scorer and spiked the ball just over the net.
Kimplayed the rest of the game in a brain fog.Wasshe imagining things?Hallucinatingfrom overheating?Sheshook her head, doubling down on her determination to focus on the task.
Finally, the game ended, and their team won the match, sending them to the semifinal.Spencegrabbed her and swung her around in congratulations.
“Nicejob, babe,” he said in her ear.
Shechuckled and held him close, excitement and adrenaline rushing through her.Aftera few moments, they pulled apart.Kimglanced overSpence'sshoulder to see if she could spotFinnin the crowd.Butall she could see were familiar faces from campus.Shesighed in relief—myimagination's working overtime.
Aftergulping down half a bottle of water,Kimlooked around to see if she could spotDaveandLauren.Sheassumed they were among theSuns’ players surrounded by a crowd of people.
“Niceof them to come out,”Spencesaid, following her gaze. “Ithink they’re signing pucks for donations.”
“Isthe dance team going to perform?”