Page 59 of Winning Play
Shewhimpered and nodded slightly in response as she shifted to her back.Spencegently removed her baseball cap and brushed her hair away from her face.Kimblinked her eyes and asked, "Whathappened?"
Spencertouched her shoulder as she tried to sit up.
"Theball hit you in the face.Don'ttry to move, babe."
Hewinced when he noticed the sizable bump in the middle of her forehead and the blood oozing from a small cut.Thetrainer appeared oppositeSpenceand quickly dabbed the blood from her face.
"I'mall right,"Kimcroaked in protest. "Justlet me sit up..."
Thetrainer leaned toward her, his eyes serious and his voice quiet. “Let’swait a minute.”Spencewatched as the trainer quickly assessed her, asking questions and using a penlight to examine her eyes.Davedropped beside them and reached to squeezeKim’shand.
“Relax,Kimmy.You’rein good hands.”
Hereyes shifted toward him. “I’mokay,Dave.Promise.”Shelay on the grass with one arm covering her forehead, butSpenceknew she wanted to return to the match.
“Let’smake sure—you got spiked in your face,”Davespoke firmly.
“Klutz,” she whispered.Shegrimaced in pain as the trainer slipped his hand behind her head, locating a significant bump.
“Sorry,Kim,” the trainer said. “Quitea lump on the back of your head.Anypain?”Whenshe nodded, he continued, “Whatabout your neck?”
Kimshrugged. “I…Ithink it’s okay.”
Heheld his hand in front of her. “Squeezemy hand with your left hand.Now, with your right hand.”Henodded when she performed the tasks quickly, her grip firm, but her fingers released the hand after only a few seconds.
“Let’sget you checked at the hospital.Youcould have a concussion.”
Kimgroaned. “Canit wait until after the game?”
“Kimmy, that’s a hard no.”Davechuckled atKim’sexpression. “Ourniece’s husband is theSuns’ concussion specialist.He’shere.Youmind ifIask him to look atKim?” he asked the trainer.
“TomChadwick?Ofcourse not.He’shosted concussion assessment classes with our trainers.”
DavesqueezedKim’shand. “Justa couple more minutes,Kim.”Helooked at his phone, butSpencetouched his shoulder.
“Dr.Chadwick’shere,” he said softly.Heleaned and pressed his lips againstKim’sforehead. “I’lltalk with the officials and round up our team.”Kimnodded and did not look away untilSpencehad slipped through the crowd, waving for the team to gather across the court.
“YourememberTom?”Daveasked when the doctor kneeled beside her.
“Yes,Cassie’shusband.Wemet at your house.”
KimansweredTom’squestions and wondered what he thought as he checked her reflexes and range of motion, then asked her to track the penlight with her eyes.
“Doyou feel like sitting up?”
“Yes.Please.”Kimblinked her eyes against the sun. “Ifeel okay.Iwant to finish the game.”
Tomlaughed softly as he slipped his arm behind her to assist her in moving. “Justsit here for a few minutes.”Heglanced atDave. “Canwe get some water?”
“I’vegot it,” the trainer offered.
Kimlooked atTom. “AmIgood to go?”
“Youhave your brother’s hockey mentality—I’mokay,Coach, put me back in?”
“Maybe?”Kimnoticed her hat resting on the grass and pulled it on to shield her eyes from the sun.