Page 70 of Winning Play
Kim’slaugh caused his heart to warm.Shelooks so much better.Notpale, eyes sparkling again, and no sign of pain.
“I’mthinking pancakes for dinner,” she said. “Willyou eat with me?”
“Wheneveryou’re ready.”Spenceput the containers on the table. “There’sprobably enough for everyone.”
“I’lltake them,”Laurenoffered. “We’llwarm everything up when you’re hungry,Kim.”
Shereached forSpence’shand asLaurenleft the room. “Youplayed great yesterday.”
“Wededicated the game to you.”
Hereyes widened. “Really?”
“Youbet.Andthat home run had your name on it.”
Kimleaned to kiss his cheek. “You’rethe best ‘boyfriend.’I’vemissed you.”
Spenceslid closer and slipped his arm around her shoulders. “Missedyou more.”
Aftereveryone enjoyed the pancake dinner,Davejoined them in the living room.
“FinnHendrixwas inVancouverlast weekend.Hehasn’t left the country since you both saw him on campus.”
“So,Iimagined hearing his voice?”
“Someonedistracted you, babe.Probablyan over-enthusiastic fan,”Spencesuggested.
“Ican’t believeIlet him in my head like that.”
“Yousaid he manipulates people,Kim,”Davereminded. “Hedid send you those flowers and the card—you had every reason to suspect him.Thegood news—he has a new girlfriend.It’sabout time he moved on.”
Kim’sface paled, and her hands trembled when she thought about the new girlfriend.ShouldIwarn her aboutFinn?
“Whatare you thinking,Kim?”Spencelooked into her eyes and reached to squeeze her hand.
“Ishould warn the girl.”
“No, you need to let it go.”Dave’svoice was firm. “We’renot ending the surveillance.Ifhe does anything, the police will know.”
“Butshe doesn’t know what he’s like,”Kimsaid softly.
“Exactly,”Davesaid, understanding in his tone. “It’snot your responsibility to tell her anything.Don’tput yourself back in his orbit.Ifthe investigator thinks there’s danger, he will alert the police.”Hehesitated a moment. “Jakeintends to take his car in for service when he’s back from spring training.”Dave’scold laugh startledKim. “Heplans to have a few words withFinn.Hecan include the new girlfriend in his chat.”
Kimnodded, not convinced. “Ihope that discourages him.”
Thememory ofFinnthreatening assault charges flashed inSpence’smind.HegrippedKim’shand, and she saw his eyes darken. “Yousaid he never hurt you physically.”
“Hedidn’t.ButImay have hurthimthe dayIbroke things off.”Thewords burst from her mouth without thought.Crap.Didn’tmean to say that.
“Physicalharm,Kim,”Daveclarified. “Notpsychological?”
Kimbit her lip. “Rememberthat martial arts move thatJakeand you taught me?”Shesaw the question inSpence’seyes and the anger building in her brother’s expression.
“Kimberly!”Daveexploded. “Whythe hell didn’t you tell me?”
Kimshifted closer toSpence, gripping his hand. “Hedidn’t touch me,Dave!Ithought he might, soIexecuted that move… you know, including the groin kick.”
“Preemptivedefense?”ShefeltSpence’sshoulders shake with suppressed laughter.