Page 87 of Winning Play
Determinedto bury disappointment,KimcalledLaurenfor a ride to the game.Sheknew she’d overthink the situation with the team andSpence’sapology that he couldn’t see her until the following day.Thememories of their blissful night together—half night—seemed like a dream.Doeshe regret that now?Willhe remember the magic when we crossed the “just friends” line?Kimhadn’t allowed herself to imagine crossing that line—then suddenly, they’d admitted feelings and erased theno-go zone.
Pleasedon’t let the problems facing the team torpedo what we discovered.Self-doubts lurked in the recesses of her mind, andKimrefused to allow the disastrous experience withFinnto poison what she andSpencehad discovered.
Laurendidn't sound surprised byKim'srequest.Didshe expect me to call?Seesomething about last night?
"Sure, we'll pick you up,Kim.CarynandIhave a meeting with a potential client downtown."
"OnaSunday?"Kimasked. "Isn'tthat unusual?"
Laurenchuckled. "You'dbe amazed how quickly crises arise when least expected.I'llcall you when we're on our way, and we can get dinner at the game."
"Ifyou run late,Lauren,I'lljust call anUber,"Kimoffered, but her suggestion was laughed away.
"Noneed!We'llpick you up—CarynandIwill look forward to catching up with you."
Ashe watched his teammates enter the meeting room,Spencetried to account for each teammate except the three suspended players.CoachesRamirezandDavisfiled into the room last, along withJoshMatthews, the school’s athletic director.
“Tryingto get a head count.Ihope no one else.”Spenceshifted his gaze to the podium whereMatthewsprepared to speak.Overthe next hour, they learned that the fallout exceeded their fears.Carlson,Castille, andWestgatehad joined a group of students who bar-hopped through the early morning hours—ending not long before the three baseball players tried to enter campus through the thick bushes.
Theteam groaned whenMatthewsshowed videos posted on social media.Spencecringed when he saw his teammates’ drunken antics.Theyrecognized numerous athletes from all ofFCU’smale and female teams.
“Whatan embarrassment,”Toddmuttered.
“Yeah,Matthewslooks apoplectic.”Spenceshifted in his seat as theADspoke.
“We’reattempting to determine if students posted these videos.Weappreciate any assistance you can provide in identifying these accounts.OurITdepartment will trace any posts made through the campusInternet.”Hescanned the room. “Ifyou have direct knowledge about last night that you haven’t discussed withCoachRamirez, do not leave without talking with us this evening.”Hepaused a long moment. “Ourintention is not to punish the entire group because of the actions of a few.Wehave scheduled dinner and breakfast in our athletic facility for all teams involved.Wealso ask you to remain in the dorm or the fitness center until after breakfast.Thanksin advance for your understanding and cooperation.”
CoachRamirezstepped forward. “CoachDavisandIwill be in our offices.Youcan talk to either of us with questions or concerns.Otherwise, enjoy dinner.Thanks, gentlemen.”
ToddandEricexchanged a glance, then addressedSpence.
“Haveyou checked social media?”
Spenceshook his head.Ericpulled his phone from his pocket and tapped a few screens.Hehanded the phone toSpence.Thevideo showed what looked like a beer-chugging contest in the outdoor courtyard of a nearby bar.Spencecringed as he watchedWestgatetrying to swallow a pitcher of beer held above his head by someone not featured in the video.
“Freakingfools… did you show this toCoach?”
“Iwill.NowonderWestiecouldn’t stand without help.”Ericshrugged, “Lookslike some kind of hazing game.”
“Inpublic?”Spencescoffed. “Riskyand incredibly stupid.Ican’t think about that now—letCoachdeal with it.Let’sworry about the rest of our teammates.”
Midwaythrough the first period, theSuns’ play againstJacksonvillecapturedKim’sattention.Evenfrom her seat in the front row of the suite,Kimcould hear bodies slam against the boards, see sticks flex with the power of a one-timer, and feel the rumble of the crowd when theSunsscored two goals in less than thirty seconds.Shewinced when a rocket shot by theJacksonvillecenter appeared headed to the net, but cheered in relief when she heard the ping as it ricocheted off the goalpost.
Suddenlyrealizing she stood alone in the first row,Kimlooked around and apologized to the guests in the rows behind her. “Ishould probably stand at the top of the section,” she said toLaurenwhen she sat.
“Why?Ilove your excitement,”Laurensaid. “IfIdidn’t have my hands full with this ‘lunch,’I’djoin you.”Laurenindicated the plate of food balanced on her knees.
“Me, too,”Carynadded. “I’msorry we cut it close with the game.Makesure you get dinner.Kim.”
“Iwill, don’t worry.”Kimflashed a grin. “Theguys look playoff-ready, don’t you think?”
“Notgoing to jinx it,”Laurenlaughed.
“Oh, right.Letme rephrase that…Theguys brought theirA-Gametoday.Purelyunbiased opinion, of course.”