Page 89 of Winning Play

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Page 89 of Winning Play

“We’recounting on the three of you to deliver that message to the team,”Ramirezadded. “Wecan rise above this challenge.Theteam has the depth;Iknow you have the desire—we can get the job done.”

Spenceallowed a sigh of relief to escape as the door opened, andJoshMatthewsandDirectorofSportsInformation,AnnetteSavall, entered.Thestudents and coaches directed their attention toward them.Anintern delivered information packets to everyone at the table.Forthe next hour,Spencelistened to the presentation, making notes in the margin of the documents.

Matthewssaid, “Wedon’t know who organized the event, but we believe only selected individuals received invitations—through group text, chat, or a private online group.Asfar as we know, no one in this room knew about this planned activity.”

Angerbuilt asSpenceprocessedMatthews’ words and the content on the sheets before him.Althoughfirst-year athletes appeared to receive most invitations, at least one upper-class athlete represented each team.Carlsonknew about this?Didhe help plan the event?Somesecret club, group, fraternity?Doesn’tmake sense.Carlson’sa friend…How’dImiss that?

Refocusingon the discussion,Spenceunderstood the need for a social media blackout to stop rumors from spreading.CoachRamirezhad already covered the subject, and he,Todd, andEricplanned to visit each player’s room to reinforce the directive.Matthewstold them he had already touched base with conference officials and would await possible disciplinary action.Pendingfurther developments.

CoachRamirezinvited the trio to debrief in his office following the meeting.


“Howdid we…I… miss this?”Spence’sagitation caused him to pace. “HaveInot paid attention?IthoughtCarlsonwas mentoringCastilleandWestgate.HowcouldImisread the situation?”

“Spencer, none of us knew about this.It’snot a coincidence that you,Anderson, andMarsdenwere excluded from these communications.Isuspect the bulk of your teammates knew nothing.Allwe can do is to move forward—and hope the consequences discourage future ‘antics.’”

“Howdo we monitor these types of activities?”Toddasked.

“Youcan’t.Youguys do a great job team building and encouraging positive group activities.Wedon’t expect our team leaders to babysit.Youlead by example—and you do an excellent job there.”Ramirezmet each man’s eyes. “Wedon’t expect anything more, gentlemen.”

DaveandLaurengaveKima ride back to campus after the game, and he walked withKimto her room.

“Areyou sure you don’t want to join us for dinner,Kimmy?”

Sheflashed a rueful smile. “Iate my way through the buffet,Dave.Literally.Ineed to run a couple of miles on the treadmill.”Shelooked up at her brother. “Raincheck?”

“Always.”Davewaited untilKimunlocked her door, then stepped inside her apartment. “Everythingokay,HalfPint?You’reunusually… quiet.”

“I’mgood—promise—just concerned aboutSpence.Theteam’s dealing with some issues.”

“Anythingyou can talk about?”

Kimshrugged. “Idon’t know much.He’sbeen with the team all day.”

Daveheld her eyes. “Thingscome up with teams…I…I’msure they’ll work through whatever issues they are dealing with.”

DoesDaveknow what happened?WouldLaurenshare client information with him?IthinkLaurenknows more thanIdo at this point.“You’reright.Spencefeels a lot of pressure as team captain.Iworry about him.”

Davehugged her. “He’sa good man,Kim, and an excellent captain.Givehim space to do whatever he needs to help the team.Trynot to worry, okay?”

Kimnodded with a smile. “HaveItold you lately how luckyIam that you’re my brother?”

“I’mthe lucky one, sis.”


Spencetossed the information packet on the sofa table, then slumped in the side chair, propping his feet on the table.Heglanced at his watch and groaned.Midnight.Toolate to callKim…Hepicked up his phone and laughed when he noticed the second photo she’d sent from the evening's game.Hadn'teven seen this text.Surely, she knowsI’mnot ignoring her.

Hetapped out a short reply.

Where’sthe popcorn,Popcorn?

Hehit send and hoped she'd see it first thing in the morning.

Heplaced the phone back on the table and waited forToddandEricto return, eager to compare notes about their teammates’ reactions to the new protocols and what—if anything—they may have heard about the private party.Hisgut told him some of the guys may have known about it, but no one wanted to admit it.Atleast not to me.

WhenEricandToddjoined him in the room, their faces reflected the same frustration and disappointment.

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