Page 101 of Our Pucking Way
Cain’s men moved with practiced precision, years of training and hard-earned trust funneling our actions into silent choreography.
We advanced, room by room, clearing each space with swift and bloody efficiency.
A muffled sound caught my attention, and without hesitation, I pivoted towards it. Through the goggles, I saw distorted shapes. Then a flash of movement, and I squeezed the trigger. The sound of gunfire was shockingly loud in the confined space, followed by the softer thud of a body hitting the ground.
Then a bomb detonated. Bodies blasted back toward us.
Cain cursed, and it was the last sound I heard before my ears popped and the world became muted.
Greyson glanced at me again. If I’d been in the lead, I would’ve been caught in that blast.
With everything in a stark contrast of black and green, there was no color to the blood that now painted the floor, just darker shades of monochrome.
What were the odds that Kennedy was here? That each trigger pull meant we were that much closer to saving her?
Another figure loomed ahead, weapon raised, and time seemed to slow as I took aim. I squeezed the trigger, and the figure crumpled without a sound. I’d settled into a deep, dangerous calm I’d long forgotten.
“Moving up,” Greyson signaled, and we pressed on, deeper into the factory.
And unexpectedly, being a Jackal felt like…coming home.
Just like loving Kennedy.
The door was flown open so hard it slammed against the wall. “Shit, shit, shit.”
I raised my head drowsily, startled out of my thick sleep, and blinked, feeling a dull headache pulse behind my eyes like what happens when you wake up too early.
The room was pitch black, but someone was pacing through the room. Then a narrow flashlight beam switched on—and into my face.
I squeezed my eyes shut against the painful feeling.
“There you are,” Sunny muttered, and now I recognized his voice. He fumed, “You can thank your assholeboyfriendfor what’s going to happen next. He was supposed to send the Jackals in…what the hell is this?”
“You wanted the Jackals,” I repeated, a bit slowly. I felt terrible.
“I needed it to be the Jackals, so Thane and Peter could turn on Greyson,” he muttered, sounding as if he were talking to himself as much as me. “And then we’d take out the rest who are loyal to him, like Hawk, and we’d rebuild…”
The ground shook, the bed beneath me sliding across the ground, and the sound of aboomwas loud even through the muffled wall. Bed–they must have moved me while I was out.
It took my sleep-fogged brain a second to understand what was happening. Not an earthquake. Bombs going off.
“Greyson!” Fear spiked through my heart. So, that had been their plan to take out the Jackals who were loyal to Greyson. Explosives were set, traps in place to take them down.”
“Not just Greyson,” he snarled. “All four of your pretty boys are out there, you slut.”
Fear clutched my heart.
“They cut the power to the building, surprised us by going completely around the Jackal chain of command, and now they’ve got a fucking ordnance team out there working through the booby traps,” he snarled. He sounded as if he were coming unhinged.
Of course, he’d been unhinged in the first place to betray Greyson.
I felt a swell of pride in my men. They were psychopaths at times…criminals deep down…
And they were impressive.
They were coming for me.