Page 10 of Power Play Rivals
“If by tense, you mean bored, then I guess I am.”
“I bore you, do I?” he says in amusement. I can feel his shark-like grin kiss the small crook of my neck before he stands up straight again, always careful not to let anyone get any ideas of what he’s up to.
“Immensely,” I reply dryly.
My pussy, however, disagrees wholeheartedly with the indifference I’m trying to show.
That hussy is as wet as a puddle of rain.
“I guess I should remedy that, shouldn’t I?”
“I really couldn’t care either way. All I know is the clock is ticking. And so far, listening to your boss’s repetitive childhood stories tonight has been more enthralling than this. And here I thought you were a man of action. How disappointing to be proven wrong.”
A small squeak escapes my lips when his strong hands grasp both my knees, parting them even wider. Desperate to keep my apathetic facade going, I swallow slowly and tilt my head to the side just enough to look deep into his moonless, night-filled eyes.
“But then again, I’m probably not the only one bored out of their minds, am I?”
“You are anything but boring, Piper. The complete opposite, in fact,” he says without missing a beat.
And though the praise warms every nook and cranny of my cold-beating heart, it doesn’t excuse the fact that I do not want him to have the upper hand here.
“Oh, I’m fully aware of that. In fact, isn’t that the reason why you sought me out tonight?”
His brows furrow in confusion at the question.
“I have no idea what you mean,” he responds, his thumb intent on keeping me distracted from my mission by drawing small circles on my inner thigh.
“I think you do.” I fake a yawn.
“Piper, if you have something to say, then say it. As you so kindly have reminded me, the clock is ticking.”
“Very well.” I plant a fabricated smile. “Like me, you’ve spent most of the night making small talk with small people who have large egos. Tired of listening to one more self-centered and egomaniacal conversation, you decided tonight couldn’t end like every other night. You needed a change.”
When he stops caressing my thigh and frowns, I know I have him dead to rights.
I know I’m being a bit harsh, especially considering I share his sentiment. However, this is a game of chess, not checkers. If he’s too distracted to make his move and ends up running down the clock, then it’s on him.
A win is a win.
No matter how you get it.
“So, there you are, in desperate need of a palate cleanser before you could call it a night and go home—one that I can only assume must be some sort of dungeon or bat cave, large enough to house your ominous figure. Then you thought, why not entertain yourself a little bit? Seeing as there are so many beautiful women here, it shouldn’t be too hard for you to pick someone to play with, even if only for a few minutes. Just long enough to take the bad taste of the night out of your mouth. Should I be flattered that I caught your eye tonight or insulted that you thought you could charm me so easily?”
“I know what you’re trying to do,” he scolds, his expression turning lethal.
“And what’s that?”
“You’re trying to burn time so that I lose.”
“And you don’t like losing, do you?” I provoke.
“I like it as much as you do.”
He’s got me there.
I throw a glance at the timer on my phone and smile.