Page 98 of Power Play Rivals
“How I wish I was. No, Piper. I’m being dead serious. If your best friend can’t find me a suitable match, then an unsuitable one will have to do.”
Chapter 18
The Boston Winter Ball.
Anyone who is anyone in this city comes to this fundraiser every year without fail.
Hailed as the event of the season, being invited to the Preston-organized fundraiser is a sign of your successful arrival into Boston high society.
Being invited to such an illustrious event means that you’ve made it.
Whatever the fuck that means.
I never viewed receiving an invitation as fortuitous. In fact, I loathed the exclusivity that only the rich and powerful could partake in and, thus, rejected it on mere principle alone. But since Rex belongs in the aforementioned elite category, he was all too happy when I finally received my invitation a few years back, forcing me to attend each and every one.
If I didn’t love the old man so much, I would have told him to shove the invite where the sun doesn’t shine.
But over the years, saying no to Rex has become an impossible feat to accomplish. And now, with Martha gone, it feels even more wrong to do so.
So here I am.
At another Winter Ball. Sans date, of course.
Unlike the other men who love to prance and show off their dates, I make it a point never to attend these parties with a woman hanging on my arm. However, my reasons behind this decision have somewhat changed over the years.
In the first couple of years as GM, I made a conscious effort to make work my only priority. It was all about the team and how I could make the Guardians unbeatable. Safe to say that meeting a woman under those terms was downright impossible. Not only that, but I’ve always been very particular about who I share my free time with. Aside from a few monotonous flings and one-night stands, there was never anyone who I’d even considered bringing to one of these things.
Thenshecame along—Piper Lee.
I can still remember the first time she entered my office, having signed both Donavan brothers to her portfolio. To say that I was immediately smitten would be an understatement. I was fucking mesmerized by her astuteness and ball-busting persona.
Not that I ever let it on, though.
She was a fresh-faced kid just out of college, set on revolutionizing the role of sports agent, while I had been general manager to one of the biggest teams in the league for over five years.
I was established in my position.
She was still finding her feet.
So all I could do was watch.
Watch her take everyone by storm like the true force of nature that she was.
Suddenly I no longer despised attending parties, but anticipated them since it was a chance to see Piper shine.
Until now.
Until this fucking Winter Ball.
The same ball where, at any minute now, I’ll have to endure watchingmywoman walk through those doors hanging on the arm of none other than Lawrence Preston III—the same man who is likely to fire me on the spot before the ink on the sale’s contract has dried up.
Not only will he own the club, but he’ll possess something far more valuable to me—her.