Page 11 of Preacher
"That's where you're wrong. You work for me, and we don't need a jealous guy makin' problems."
Oh, he has some fucking nerve.
"Don't worry about my personal life, Preacher." I turn on my heel, but before I can take two steps away from him, his hand clamps around my wrist and he pulls me back. I land against his front, and he slides his arm around my stomach, holding me against him. I'm not stupid. I can feel the thickness of his cock against me. Been there and done that. I don't need a repeat.
"My cock was thrustin' inside you only weeks ago. You move on that quickly with everyone, babe?"
I wrench my arm away from him, and thankfully, he lets me go. "Go to hell. You're a fucking gobshite, Preacher. You're the one who treated me like shit, not the other way around. You don't get to act like the victim. I've done nothing wrong."
"That's where you're wrong. I haven't had my fill of you yet. I want more."
My lip curls in disgust. "Not going to happen. Find someone else to play with." I take a deep breath. I'm not going to argue with him. I want to go home, shower, and then crash. I have to get the kids up for school in less than five hours. I'll be lucky if I manage to get more than three hours of sleep tonight. "Goodnight, Preacher," I tell him with a little smile as I take a step backward.
"We're not finished here, nowhere fuckin' near."
I give him yet another smile. "Tell you what," I say as I continue to walk backward. I'm unable to take my eyes off him. The man’s too bloody gorgeous for his own good. "If you can tell me my name, I'll consider talking with you. Until then, it's not happening. Goodnight."
This time, I turn away and walk toward my car. I can feel his heated gaze on my back as I climb into my small Toyota Yaris and start the engine. I glance in the rearview mirror and see Preacher is standing where I left him, watching me carefully.
Damn, that man seriously knows how to affect me. But I was right; he has no idea what my name is. He always calls me babe. I won't be treated like a whore. It happened once already, and that was one time too many. He has no idea that I was a virgin when we slept together, and I'm grateful he doesn't. We were both drunk, and I'm sure if he knew he took my V-card, there'd be some stupidity on his part and he’d think it meant a lot more to me than it actually did.
I drive away, noting he's still watching me. Once I’ve pulled out of the car park, I feel my body relax. I have a feeling that wasn't the last time I’ll see Preacher.
"Morning," I say as I watch everyone pile into the kitchen. Mikey looks well rested, which is great. Usually, he drags his feet when he comes to the kitchen first thing. "How are you all this morning?"
"How are you always so chirpy in the morning?" Fiona asks me with narrowed eyes as she slides onto the dining table chair. "Can I have tea and toast this morning?"
"Of course you can. Did you sleep well?" I ask as I hit the switch on the kettle.
"Yeah, but I wish we didn't have to get out of bed. Where's Da? He wasn't in his room this morning."
My heart breaks every time she tells me that. I can see the pain in her eyes. Whenever Da and I argue, he spends the entire night out doing God knows what. He sometimes doesn't come home for days. The girls adore Da, and they love spending the mornings talking with him. So whenever he's not here, I can't help but feel a little guilty, like it's somehow my fault that he's not here.
"He must have left early," I lie.
Her eyes flash with hurt before she closes them. When she looks at me again, the hurt is gone. I hate that she masks her pain. I don't want her to hide it from me. She should feel free to express how she feels, and if that means crying, then so be it.
"Did you girls see we had a guest last night?" Mikey asks with a grin.
I smile when both Hannah and Evie's eyes widen. "Who?" Hannah asks.
"Santa?" Evie questions. She's six, and she's really struggled with Ma leaving. She's dying for Christmas to come, and I have a feeling it's because she's going to ask for Ma to come home.
"Even better," Fiona replies. "Ruairi's home."
Both girls squeal. "Ruairi?"
"What's the shouting about?" the guy in question asks as he strolls into the kitchen. "Well, if it isn't my four favorite ladies."
I roll my eyes at his lack of charm. He's really laying it on thick with the girls.
Hannah and Evie jump to their feet and run over to him. I turn back to getting the breakfast ready. The kids need to eat and get dressed so they can get to school on time.
"Evie, sweetie, what do you want for breakfast?" I ask, already knowing Hannah will want cereal. She never changes what she has, whereas Evie and Fiona love a mixture of things.