Page 16 of Preacher
"Yeah, and hopefully so are you. Wrath is hoping to stay with Hayley. James and Eva are sick and he doesn’t want to leave Hayley with two sick kids."
"That's no problem. I don't mind going to the club."
Raptor chuckles. "I bet you fuckin' don't. Seriously, Preach, the woman is gorgeous, but are you sure you want to go down that route?"
I know what he's alluding to and I'm not sure if I should either. Losing Tyson was fucking hard. Having to deal with Pepper was a fucking headache, one I don't ever wish to repeat. Pepper was at the club for years. She was a club whore all the guys liked. But she changed once the brothers started to get old ladies. She became sneaky and set out to get pregnant in order to trap a brother in making her an old lady. Her jealousy drove her to make stupid mistakes. She thought I would be the perfect mark. Little did she know, I would end up being her worst fucking nightmare.
"Look, Preach, you want to go there, do it. Just be cautious, yeah?"
I nod. "It would help if I could remember her name."
His eyes widen before he bursts out laughing. "Holy fuck, you fucked her, didn't you?"
"Rap," I growl, not wanting him to even fucking go there.
He holds up his hands in surrender. "Right, I get it. She's yours."
No, she's fucking not.
"Brother, what are you going to do? You fucked her and didn't even know her name. No wonder she looked like she wanted to kill you last night."
I flip him the bird. "You're no fucking help."
"Look, it's easy. You just got to talk to Theresa. She'll know who you're talking about."
"That ain't ever happenin', brother," I say through clenched teeth. I’m not going anywhere near Thersea, she’s great an all, but she’s fucking crazy. She was perfect for the managerial position.
He doesn't bother to hold in his laughter. "Oh, I forgot, that woman is crazy as fuck. I'll do it. She owes me a favor."
Crazy is right. Theresa is extremely protective of the women and ensures that nothing happens to them. Hell, she tries to keep everyone away from the dancers, especially the younger girls, like my red-haired beauty.
Raptor pulls out his cell and calls her. "Yo, Theresa, it's Raptor. I need a favor. The red-haired dancer, young, about twenty-ish... She was one of the last performers on the pole last night. What's her name?"
I wait with ill-concealed patience as he gets her name. I cross my arms over my chest as I watch him. The fuck is taking so fucking long? Is she giving him a run down of the entire dance staff? Fuck, I should have done what Callie wanted and interviewed all the dancers. That way, I wouldn't have to wait on anyone else to tell me the information I need.
"Thanks, Theresa, and don't worry, I promise you she's safe from me." He ends the call and turns to me, a stupid fucking grin on his face. "So your girl has an Irish name. From what Theresa said, it's pronounced Al-vah. Good luck trying to spell it. But also from what Theresa said, Al-vah is sweet and is one of the best dancers we have. She told me I’d better not run her off or she’ll deal with me herself, and brother, I love you, but no one wants to deal with that bullshit."
Ain't that the truth. Theresa's like a fucking bulldog. There's no way she'll ever let anything happen to Alvah. But I have her name, and that’s my way of talking to her.
"Thanks, brother. I'll see you tonight."
He flicks out his fingers in a salute as a way of saying goodbye. "Try not to forget her name again."
I flip him off. Fucking jackass. I may have been stupid by getting drunk the first time we got together, but it won't happen again. No fucking way.
Tonight, I'll be speaking with her again, and if everything goes according to plan, I should have her right where I want her. Back in my bed.
* * *
"You're back," she says with a wry smile. I've cornered her once again after work. Her hair's down and curled, her face clear of any makeup, and she's so fucking gorgeous. I have no doubt that she'd be gorgeous if she were in a trash bag.
"I am," I reply tersely. "You okay?" I ask, knowing that Raptor had to pull a guy off her earlier. I've never been drawn to a woman like I am her. I'm trying real hard to keep my distance, but there's a magnetic pull that’s telling me I have to have her and I just can't keep away.
"I'm grand, yeah," she replies, her voice soft, that Irish lilt of hers sweet. My cock tightens at the sound. "It's nothing new, but thanks for checking on me."
"The fuck you mean it's nothin' new?" I growl, my anger spiking through me. "Does that shit happen a lot here?"
She sighs. "Look, men get drunk, they get loud, they get arrogant, they believe they're entitled to anything they want. So when we say no, they sometimes get a little handsy and demand we do as they want. It's fine, it gets dealt with."