Page 28 of Preacher
“Fuckin' perfect," he hisses, his fingers tightening on my hips, biting into the flesh. I grind down on his cock as he thrusts into me. “That’s it, babe, so fuckin' good."
His praise makes me preen. I fucking love that he's praising me.
"Preacher," I whisper, unsure how to communicate that I need more. A lot fucking more.
He raises his head and looks at me. His thrusts become brutal, each one deliberate and precise. Hitting deep inside me. His intense gaze makes me shiver as I grind against him.
He releases his hands from my hips without missing a beat as he continues to thrust hard and deep. His hands slide up my body, leaving goosebumps in their wake. My body is burning with need.
"I've got you," he says thickly. "Trust me?"
I nod, unsure of what he's going to do, but I do trust him with me sexually.
His hand slides around my neck, almost as though he's cuffing me. "You want me to stop, you tug on my hair," he growls.
"Okay," I say, feeling as though I need to answer him verbally rather than just a nod.
He flashes me that sexy grin of his, and I know I did the right thing. His other hand moves to my neck; not hard, but he has a decent grip.
"If you want to stop, what do you do?" he says thickly. Those brown eyes of his are filled with so much heat and intensity, I swallow hard.
Heat pools between my legs. "Tug on your hair," I reply, my voice a little breathy.
His hands tighten a little more and I gasp, surprised but not panicked. I'm rather intrigued by what's about to happen. He stops fucking me and instead focuses on what he's doing with his hands.
He tightens a little more, keeping away from the front of my throat and focusing on the sides. I feel my breath start to leave me, and my body heats with want. God, it feels so fucking good.
Once again he tightens his hand, and then he starts to fuck me again, his thrusts just as brutal as they were before. My lips part, a moan lodged in my throat as his hands keep their grip on me.
I feel my pleasure start to rise. My entire body feels as though it's burning. I'm ready to erupt. But Preacher releases my neck, and I pull in a deep breath as he thrusts into me deeply before staying there.
"You like that, babe?" he questions, and I know damn well he knows what he's doing.
"Yes," I say a little roughly. "I was so close," I whine, hating that he brought me out of the zone.
He grins. “You goin’ to come for me?” he growls.
"Yes, so fuck me," I hiss. My body is wound up so tightly, I'm ready to explode at the merest of touches.
He starts to fuck me again, not taking long to pick up his pace, until he’s fucking me harder and faster than ever before. I guess I'm not the only one who’s close to the edge.
"Yes," I hiss, his cock hitting me deep and in just the right spot.
His hands go back to my throat, and I smile. God yes. I want to feel that high of losing my breath, of being completely reliant on him. I want to feel that thrill.
"Fuck," he snarls as he grits his teeth, rotates his hips, and powers into me. "Fuck, it's goin' to be quick." His hands tighten around my neck as he continues to pound into me.
My breath leaves me just as my pleasure spikes through me. God, I can feel it coming. My entire body is about to explode.
“Fuckin’ come,” he growls. "You need to come right fuckin' now," he snaps.
I gasp as his thrusts get harder and faster. My pleasure is skyrocketing, taking my breath away from me.
My orgasm hits me like a tornado ripping through me and sweeping me up in its path. He releases my neck and I gasp for air, and the feeling of the high intensifies my orgasm. "Preach," I gasp.
“So fuckin' perfect,” he grunts as he pistons his cock in and out of me. His lips slam down against mine as he kisses me, his tongue sweeping into my mouth, consuming me even more. His thrusts are brutal but feel oh so fucking good, prolonging my orgasm.
I love when he gets like this. It means he's not holding back from me. Every bit of his control is gone. I love knowing I can do that to him.