Page 35 of Preacher
"That's a real shame," he says thickly. "I've been waiting to take my turn with you. I can't wait to get between those thighs of yours. I heard that you've got a sexy body beneath all those baggy clothes."
Ugh, God, he really is an arsehole. There's no way in hell that I'd ever let him anywhere near me. Fuck no. He'd have to kill me first. "Don't worry, Jed, I'll continue to pay the money on time."
Even his smile makes me want to shiver in disgust. "I wouldn't be opposed if you didn't."
"Why? That makes no sense. Surely you'd rather have the money."
He runs his finger along my cheek, and it takes everything that I have inside of me not to recoil. "Money? I have loads of that. But taking women like you, so perfect, beautiful, and defiant... I can see it in your eyes—the sound of your screams as I take you would be worth more than money could buy."
"So basically, you love raping women and you get away with it as you call it payment?"
"You don't have to be so crass about it. It's not at all as bad as you make it out to be."
I blink. "If you say so. But you can count me out. There's not a hope in hell you'll ever get me on my back. I'll keep paying the debt."
His fingers linger a little too long on my skin before he takes a step backward. "Shame. But you shouldn't ever say never."
God, he's so fucking repulsive. "I do have a question," I say. "Why would you make me pay a debt that doesn't belong to me?"
"Kin is kin, sweetheart. Your father needs his debt paid and you started to pay it. What else was I supposed to do, kill your father?"
I lift my shoulders and shrug. "If it meant him paying, then yes, you should have."
He steps back and tuts. "Now, Ailbhe, that's not a nice thing to say about your father."
I stare at him. "That man practically sold me and his other kids to you. I have no love for a man like that. Hell, I have no love for a man who has no morals."
"You mean me?" he questions, his eyebrows practically hitting his hairline. "I have morals. Just because they don't align with yours, it doesn't mean I don't have them."
"What the fuck is going on here?" I hear Ruairi roar. I turn to see him running down the street toward the house. "Get the fuck away from her," he snarls as he pushes into the house and positions himself in front of me.
"Ah, Ruairi, lovely to see you, as always. Now, could you show me the payment book?"
Ruairi looks to me and his brows furrow. "What's going on?"
"Tony didn't give Jed the money we paid last week, so Jed here is out two grand and is looking for payment." I can't keep the disdain out of my voice. I dislike Jed more than I have ever disliked anyone in my life, and that's saying a lot seeing as both of my parents are bastards.
Ruairi reaches into his pocket and pulls out the book. "Whatever the fuck Tony's deal is, Jed, it’s Tony's deal, not ours. You don't come around here, again. You hear me?"
Jed doesn't look at Ruairi. Instead, he flips through the book. I notice his eyes narrow and darken when he reaches the page for this week and last week.
"Very well," he says as he hands Ruairi the book back. "Remember what I said, Ailbhe. If you don't make the payment, I'll take it another way."
My stomach rolls at the thought of him touching me. There's no way in hell that will ever happen.
"The payments will be made," Ruairi assures him. "Now, I think it's past time you all left. You've had your payment for today. Go."
I breathe a sigh of relief when they do as he says and leave my home. I'm able to breathe a little easier, but I'm not able to stop shaking. God, I'm glad Ruairi returned home when he did. I'd hate to think what would have happened had he not.
“He ever calls to this house again, Al, you do not fucking open that door,” Ruairi says, his eyes wild. “That cunt is up to no good.”
I hold my hands up. “Trust me, I know. The man’s a sleazebag. There's no way in hell I’m opening that door to him again.”
“Thank fuck for that. The last thing you need is for me to be doing time. He comes here again, I’ll kill him.”
For the first time in my life, I actually believe he could do it. He’s made plenty of threats in the past, but this time, I really think he means it.
God help Jed if he does come round again.