Page 37 of Preacher
Ugh. Looks as though I'm going to have to go through this.
"Da's an alcoholic and a gambler. The entire fucking city of Dublin knows that. What no one knows is that for years he was in a lot of debt, and as he didn't have a job, Ma had to pay it." I bring my knees to my chest. "Ma had enough. She was pissed, and they fought. Da was a fucking bastard, so she upped and left."
He nods, seemingly understanding what I'm getting at. "So your mam left, leaving you to not only pay everything off, but look after the kids too?"
"Yup. So I'm doing the best I can. I'm a whore, apparently, and deserve to pay the debt off."
He shakes his head and grimaces. "The fuck? Who called you a whore?"
"Da. He found out I'm working at the strip club and is pissed about it. I don't care. He's a fucking bastard. He's not allowed back in the house and he won't take the kids because he knows he'll have to pay for everything and have to actually care for them. So as long as I pay the debt off, he stays the fuck away from me and the children."
"It's fucked up is what it is, Ailbhe. Your da's a cunt."
"Yup, you'll have no arguments from me. He's an absolute cunt. But again, as long as he leaves me the hell alone, I don't give a fuck."
He glances toward the staircase and I brace for what he's going to say next. "What did your da promise Jed?"
Ah, no, we're not getting into that. No fucking way. "I don't know what you mean?" I lie, hoping he won’t press the issue.
"Does Ruairi know what's going on?"
"Yeah, he's home and he's helping me out. But I don't understand what you mean about what Da's promised Jed?"
He watches me carefully, almost as though he's trying to figure me out. He shakes his head. "Nothing, don't worry. Just be careful, okay? Jed's not someone you want to mess around with. Just be cautious."
I give him a soft smile. "I always am."
"Maverick and I will be around the club. We're going to ensure that you're safe."
I shake my head. Christ, that's the last thing I need. "The Fury Vipers always ensure that we're safe leaving. There's always someone around making sure we're not alone when we go home. You don't have to go out of your way to do that."
He's silent for a moment. "Ruairi's a friend, Ailbhe. I'll do anything for my friends."
"I appreciate that, but honestly, as I said, we're always monitored." I also don't want Preacher finding out what the hell is going on. That man has been even more distant than ever lately and I'm not sure why. Whenever I try to brooch the subject, I get ignored or grunted at. I know Preacher doesn't want anything but sex, but sometimes I feel as though I'm just a vessel for him to fuck whenever he gets the urge.
"You have any trouble, Ailbhe, you call me and we'll do whatever we can to help."
"I will. Thanks." I know there's no way in hell that I'll call him. I just don't have it in me to do that. When times get tough, I only lean on myself. That's the way it's always been and I have no expectations for it to change.
We say goodbye and he leaves. I'm a little rattled by his words. I'm wondering who the hell he's been talking to. He knows a lot more than he should and that's terrifying.
Fuck. This is the very last thing I need.
* * *
"Babe," Preacher growls as I exit the club.
He showed up an hour before closing and watched me. His eyes never left me as I danced. It's such a heady feeling to have his entire focus on me. It was hard, but I had to push him from my mind and focus on the job at hand.
"Hey, Preach," I reply with a smile as I step out toward him. It's not too bad this evening. The days aren't as cold as they have been and thankfully there's no rain. Everyone's leaving and it won't be long until it's just him and I left here. "You okay?"
His gaze moves over my face. "Yeah, I'm good, babe. Are you busy tonight?"
Ah, he wants to hook up. Right now, that's not something I'm ready to do. We need to speak, not have sex. Not tonight anyway. I glance around and see Theresa’s locking up, which means everyone's left.
"Do you have a minute?" I ask a little hesitantly. I'm scared. I have no idea how he's going to take it.
His brows furrow. "Sure, what's up?"