Page 4 of Preacher
"The brothers will decide if you're the right guy to prospect with them."
I shake my head. "I dunno, man, it still sounds kind of sus to me."
Ain't no way I'm getting tied up with anything remotely close to a cult, especially after the shit I put up with from my parents. No fucking way.
"Check it out and then see. As far as I can tell, you'd get along with them."
I grit my teeth, feeling uneasy, I don’t know anything about these guys, but I’m intrigued. I want to know what they’re about. "Maybe."
He chuckles. "Meet me at the clubhouse tonight and check it out." He turns on his heel and moves to his bike. I watch him go, wondering who the fuck he is and what the hell the Fury Vipers are.
* * *
"Yo, Kane, you made it," Todd says as he staggers over to me.
I instantly regret coming here, especially with this ass. He's so drunk, he can’t even walk in a straight line. He's messy as fuck and it's not a good look.
"What the fuck, man?" I hiss as he reaches me. "The fuck are you drunk for?"
"I'm chillin' with the guys."
"Man," I hear from beside me. I turn and see a tall guy with tattoos covering his neck and hands glaring at Todd. "You want to get rid of him. He's a fuck up."
I raise a brow at him. "And you are?"
He grins. "My name's Grayson, but everyone calls me Reaper."
"Oh, and why's that?" I ask.
"’Cause when I'm around, death's coming."
"Are you a member?" I ask. I get the sense he's a guy I would like, he’s no nonsense and shoots straight. Todd has pissed me the fuck off already, by being a drunken fuck, he’s so loud, and I don't want to be dealing with his drunken ass tonight. I barely know the guy and he's already started some bullshit for me.
He shakes his head. "Not yet. I'm a prospect, and let me tell you, it's the best decision I made. But if you want to be a prospect too, you gotta lose the guy. He's a fuck up. There's no way the brothers are going to allow him to stay. He needs to leave."
"I just met this guy today. I don't know who the fuck he is. He told me to come along tonight, but fuck, he's not a friend." If the prospect can see he's a mess, what the fuck are the other guys thinking?
Reaper nods. "Alright, man, I hear you. Want a drink?"
"Sounds good," I reply.
Reaper introduces me to the brothers, letting them all know that while Todd invited me, I don't know him. The brothers get rid of Todd, and all of them tell me how much of an ass the fucker is. They were glad to get rid of him. The only reason he was allowed to stay was because he was talking about his friend coming and how great I was. When they found out that I didn’t know the ass, they banished him from the club.
The night wears on and I kick back and chat with the guys. They talk about bikes and the auto shop the club owns, and then, of course, the women come out, and fuck, there are enough to go around. But I stay back. I’m not in the mood to do that. I don't know these guys and I want to keep my wits about me.
"You headed home now, brother?" Reaper asks.
I nod. "Yeah."
"Be back tomorrow," Ace tells me as he walks toward the back of the clubhouse. "You're our newest prospect."
Reaper grins at me. "Fuck yeah. Told you, man."
"What time tomorrow?" I ask, wondering what the fuck I've got myself in for.
"Early," Ace shouts with a chuckle. "You're both cleanin' this shit up."
I glance around the clubhouse and see the mess that litters the floor and tables. Christ...