Page 45 of Preacher
"You have no idea where she lives, do you?"
My feet stumble and I reach out for the chair to hold on to. "Fuck," I hiss. He's right. I have no fucking idea where she lives.
"Get a shower, brother. Once you've eaten, I'll take you to her. But best be warned, Chloe and her mom are on the warpath. Something about Ailbhe's brother being Freddie's friend or some shit."
Great, just what I fucking need. More women who are crazy angry with me.
"Thanks for the heads up," I sigh.
Once I'm in the bathroom, I hear my bedroom door close and I begin to strip out of my clothes.
I've no doubt got an uphill battle. I've fucked up with Ailbhe, and I don't know if there's any coming back from it, but I'll do my very best to try. I'm not sure how we're going to get around it all. I've hurt her, there's no denying that, but can I mend things?
Fuck, I don't even want to think about the baby. I can't do that. If it turns out to be the exact same as it was with Tyson, I'll lose my ever-loving shit. I wouldn't be able to go through that again. No fucking way.
* * *
I'm straddling my bike as I'm parked outside of a terraced house. It's smaller than most American homes. No one is home, or if they are, they're ignoring me and Pyro.
"Who the fuck are you?" I hear growled from behind me. "And why the hell are you parked outside of my house?"
I turn and see a guy in his mid-twenties staring at Pyro and me. He's wearing a white t-shirt that shows off his muscles and a pair of jeans. He's got four kids with him; three girls, and a teenage boy.
"Your house?" Pyro asks. "Pretty sure this is Ailbhe's house. It was when I dropped her off this mornin'."
"Ah, you must be Pyro," the guy says, stepping forward. "Thanks for taking care of her. She told me you stayed with her all night. I appreciate that."
"And you are?" I ask, unable to contain the snarl.
"Who the fuck are you?" the guy fires back.
"I'm having a guess," the oldest of the girls say. "That he's Ailbhe's baby daddy."
"What's a baby daddy?" the youngest of the girls asks.
"Wait," the middle girl says, "Ailbhe's having a baby?"
"Nicely done, Fi," the teenager hisses as he picks up the youngest girl, who's sobbing. "Now you've upset Evie."
"Why are you crying?" Fi asks the young girl. "It's going to be so cool to be aunties."
"But I wanted Ailbhe to be my mammy."
"How about we talk inside?" I hear, and my heart races as I turn and see Ailbhe standing in the doorway holding the door open.
The youngest girl wiggles from the teenager's arms, and the moment her feet hit the ground she's rushing toward Ailbhe. I watch as my girl scoops up the youngster and holds her close, whispering to her.
"You're meant to be resting," the big guy tells her.
"Ruairi," Ailbhe says, sounding exasperated. "Not now."
Ah, so this is her brother, and I'm guessing the other children are also her siblings. But then that begs the question as to why the youngest would want Ailbhe to be her mom? Christ, I have a lot of questions that need answering.
I get off my bike and move toward the house. Ailbhe's eyes narrow as she watches me move toward her. Thankfully, she doesn't tell me to leave. She'd have every right to do that, but fuck, it's good that she's not.
"Ailbhe, is he your boyfriend?" the little girl in her arms asks her with a big, wide smile.
"No, Evie, not at all. This is Preacher. He's one of my bosses."