Page 49 of Preacher
She sighs but doesn't lose her smile. "I'm going. I'm going. Good night, Ailbhe. Please drink the tea."
I take a sip to show her that I am trying. Thankfully, my stomach doesn't protest as it goes down. "Good night, sweet dreams."
Mikey gets to his feet. "I'm going too. I'll leave you and Ruairi to talk. No doubt you've got a lot to talk about."
I roll my eyes. He's not wrong, we do have a lot to talk about, and I have no doubt that he's going to be asking questions about Preacher and everything that happened today.
I'm so hurt by him wanting a paternity test. I knew he didn't believe me about being pregnant, but for him to think that I'd be sleeping with someone else is heartbreaking. It took everything I had not to cry. I wouldn't cry in front of him or the kids. I just wouldn't do that and make the kids worry, nor would I give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry.
"Night, Mikey," both Ruairi and I say in unison.
"Talk to me, Al. What's going on with that prick?"
I grin. Trust my brother to always make me feel better. "I don't know. Honestly, I'm a little numb. I'm hurt, so bloody hurt that he'd ever think I'd do that to anyone, let alone him. It’s painful to know someone thinks about me like that."
He nods. "He fucked up. I could see that he realized he hurt you. The moment the words left his mouth, he fucked up, and he knows that."
"Still doesn't make it right," I sigh. "He doesn't know me and I don't know him. It was supposed to be fun, and that's all it was, but sometimes things happen. I never intended for this to happen. Hell, this was the last thing I needed. But it's going to be okay. I know that with everything in me. It's all going to be okay."
"It will be. Because you're tough and you'll do whatever it takes. You've proven that. But, Al, what's going to happen with Preacher?"
I glance away and take another sip of the tea. "I have no idea. I'm not vindictive. Even though he's really hurt me, I won't stop him from seeing the baby, but I do feel as though everything between us is dead."
"Can you co-parent peacefully with him?" he asks.
"Of course," I reply, affronted. "I can push my feelings aside, Ruairi."
"Then you both need to have a discussion. That man has demons, Al. You can see them every time you look at him. There's something that's happened that's made him this way. Talk with him and lay everything out."
"Do you think I should do a paternity test?" I ask him, wondering if that's the way to go.
He's silent, and that's all the answer I need. He does think it's the right thing to do. "The best thing for you all is to have it done and that way it'll put your mind at ease. It will ease the stress from you."
I laugh. I don't think that's possible at fucking all. "It's shit that I have to do this but fuck it. If it's the only thing to do, I'll do it, but I'm not sure if I could ever forgive him for doubting me."
"No one ever said you have to forgive him. You're doing what you need to do for your baby."
I groan. "I'll give it a few days, let my emotions settle, and hopefully by then the medicine the doctor gave me should have kicked in and I'll be stronger and able to keep food and drink down a lot more."
"Here's hoping," Ruairi says with a grimace. "But I think you'll feel better once it's done."
Eh, that's something I'm not so sure that will happen, but I'm going to try.
"I'll go and see him in a week or so.” By then, I should be less emotional and more guarded. I won't let him hurt me again.
I just hope that he's willing to listen to what I have to say and won’t try to railroad me.
"You look better, brother," Wrath says as he slides onto the stool beside me. "How are things with Ailbhe?"
I sigh as I look down at the floor. "Fucked up. It's worse than it has ever been. I was an asshole, brother. I fucked up and I don't think there's any going back."
"What happened? Py wouldn't tell us anythin'. All he said was that Ailbhe collapsed and hasn't been well."