Page 51 of Preacher
"Fuck," I groan. This is the last fucking thing I need. "Anyone gets drunk and pisses me off, I'm goin' to end up knockin' them the fuck out."
He gets to his feet, still laughing. "Trust me, brother, we're all well aware of what'll happen if anyone pisses you off."
I know I'm an asshole, that I'm struggling. I'm terse with everyone and I bite everyone's head off.
* * *
"Preacher," I hear the sultry tone of Silver. The club whores here are sweet. Then again, the ones back in New York were too at the beginning, and then everything went to shit. I've learned my lesson with this shit and it won't be happening again.
"Silver, now ain't the time," I say through clenched teeth. The woman's gorgeous, but she's not my type.
She pouts as she presses against me. "What's wrong?" she purrs, and I roll my eyes. That shit isn't sexy. "You don't want to have fun?"
"Nope," I hiss.
She doesn't listen. Instead, she moves in front of me and climbs onto my lap.
"Now, this is better," she says, wiggling her ass on my crotch. "Why are you always so angry? I could help ease the tension."
"Not happenin'," I snap.
This bitch is not fucking listening. Christ, she's desperate.
"You're the last brother who's single."
Ah, that's what's up with her. She's wanting a brother. That's not going to fucking happen. Raptor was all about to having fun but that shit stopped when he met Mallory. It's been almost two years since he last saw her and he's still looking for her. She's good at hiding, and she doesn't want to be found. The question is: why? What is she hiding from, Raptor or someone else?
I feel someone's gaze on me, and it's heated. I glance around, trying to figure out who it is, but then I hear Wrath. "Fuck," he growls low. "Ailbhe, it's not what it looks like."
His words hit me, and I turn to where he is and see Ailbhe standing at the door. She's dressed in a tight pair of jeans and a tank top. She's fucking gorgeous, always has been. She looks a lot better than the last time I saw her. She's stronger today, which means she's getting better.
"Ailbhe," I say, wondering what the fuck is going on.
She glares at me, her eyes filled with anger and hatred.
"Who's the bitch?" Silver asks with disgust in her voice.
I push her off my lap and get to my feet. "You're done," I snap. "Get your fuckin' shit and get the fuck out of here." I turn to where Ailbhe's standing and realize that she's gone. Fuck. She's gone.
"What?" Silver shrieks. "You can't do this."
"Yes, he can," Chloe snaps as she steps up to where we are. "You're done here. It's time for you to leave." She turns to me. "You need to sort this out, Preacher. Ailbhe doesn't know this world. She came here for a reason and she's hurt. You need to go and speak with her. I'll deal with Silver."
I don't spare the bitch a second look as I stalk out of the clubhouse. I'm praying Ailbhe is still here. Thankfully, when I walk outside, she's standing by her car, arms crossed over her chest as she talks with Wrath and Hayley. Everyone turns to watch me as I move toward her.
"Easy, Preach," Wrath warns. "You've got to tread carefully now, brother."
I nod. I fucking know that. "I will. Can y'all give me and Ailbhe a moment?"
Hayley nods, her eyes soft as she glances between Ailbhe and I. "Sure. Ailbhe, it was so lovely to meet you. I hope you'll come back again."
"It was good to meet you. Thanks for talking with me."
I already knew that Chloe likes Ailbhe, and now Hayley's making it obvious that she does too. While I'm glad that they do, it just makes things a whole lot harder for me to try and navigate this situation.
"I'm sorry," I say the moment we're alone together. "I swear that nothin' happened between Silver and I. She sure as fuck wanted it to."
"She was on your lap," she replies dryly. "And you're saying nothing happened. Why was she there?"