Page 59 of Preacher
"Ailbhe," Mikey says as he walks into the kitchen. "Seriously, we're going to be late. Where the hell is Ruairi?"
I smile. Ruairi and Tamara had a date last night. The last I heard from my girl was that it was going great, and Ruairi didn't come home last night. The plan for him to get his own apartment went down the drain when he found out I was pregnant. He's staying here for a little while longer to help with the bills and to ensure that I'm okay. I think I scared him with how sick I was.
"I know, but better late than never. I would drive you, but the traffic is horrendous so you'll be quicker walking."
He sighs, knowing I'm right. "Fine, but Fiona can walk herself to school. I'll take Evie and Hannah to school and then go myself."
"Hey," Fiona cries. "Why do I have to walk to school alone? Have you seen all the weirdos out there?"
Mikey shakes his head. "Fine, whatever, but get your bag. We're leaving now."
I smile. As much as they all annoy one another, they're all very protective. He wouldn't let Fiona go alone, not when she's worried.
"Got it," she shouts as she grabs it from the floor. "Love you, Al," she yells as she runs to the door. "Have a good day."
I laugh. "You too. Be good and I'll see you tonight."
Evie runs over to me and I pull her into my arms. "Have a good day, honey. I'll pick you up after school and you can tell me all about your day."
She gives me a big grin. "Okay, bye, Ailbhe."
Once the kids are gone, I finish cleaning up from breakfast and make sure I have everything I need for dinner. There's nothing worse than coming home after school's finished and realizing there's nothing to cook for the kids. Thankfully, Ruairi did the shopping yesterday and stocked up on everything.
I switch the music on and begin to vacuum. Weekday mornings are the worst, but I try to keep on top of everything that needs to be done. I know that if I don't, it will build up, and I can't live like that.
I'm dancing as I clean, in a world of my own. Two nights ago, I was upset. Finding out that Preacher had left was like a knife to my heart. To my surprise, Tamara was waiting outside my house when I got home. She was worried about me and had her da drop her off. Of course, when I entered the house, both Tamara and Ruairi got on like a house on fire and he took her on a date last night. I'm happy for her, and I'm praying that he behaves himself. I know what Ruairi can be like and I don't want my friend to be upset.
The sound of the front door busting open has me screaming out in fear. My heart races and my blood pumps harder as it rushes to my head. I turn to see Jed standing in the doorway with his three henchmen at his side.
"What the hell?" I cry as I switch the vacuum off. "You can't just break down my door and barge into my home."
Jed stalks toward me, but I hold my ground, hoping I'm not showing fear. That man terrifies me and I hate how damn sleazy he is. He gives me the heebie-jeebies. I'd do anything to ensure I'm nowhere near him. It's why I have Ruairi pay the debt to Tony. I'd rather not be around any of them.
"My money," Jed sneers. "I warned you, Ailbhe. I warned you what would happen if you didn't have my money."
"Ruairi met with Tony yesterday," I tell him, my pulse skyrocketing. I'm scared, so fucking scared. What's Jed going to do?
"Well, he didn't, and we've not heard from him today. You were warned that you'd be liable for any missed payments, Ailbhe, and would you look, there's a missed payment yesterday."
I shake my head. "No," I say, my mouth feeling dry. "There's no way. We always pay. We do. Let me call Ruairi and see where he is."
I can't believe my brother. What the hell is he thinking? He has one job to do on a Monday morning. If he couldn't do it, he should have told me. I would have met with Tony and paid the damn thing.
"Do you have the money for me, Ailbhe?" he snarls.
I shake my head. I don't. I only have a couple of hundred in the house, and that's nowhere near what Jed wants. "I don't. Are you sure Tony's telling the truth?"
His grin is anything but friendly. "Thing is, Ailbhe, when I found out that Tony was skimming from me, lying to me about payments, I got rid of him."
I swallow hard. Does he mean got rid of him by firing him or got rid of him by killing him?
"So it's been me who has been meeting with Ruairi every Monday morning. Let me tell you that I was displeased to be left waiting with nothing."
Oh God, Ruairi, what have you done?
"Please," I plead with him, bile rising up my throat. "Give me until tomorrow and I'll have your money for you."
He shakes his head. "I want my money now, Ailbhe, right fucking now. No more games."